It’s Time To Remember Who You Are!


Beloved the veil of man through corrupt thoughts and ignorance was placed purposely to DIM your knowledge, purpose and light so you may have forgotten who you truly are. 

You may have forgotten that you are FAITHFUL & FABULOUS! It’s time to REMEMBER who you are!

1 Corinthians 3:16 - "Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?

You may have forgotten that you are indeed a TEMPLE of God. You may have forgotten that the Spirit of God lives within YOU. You may have forgotten that you are of Christ and Christ is of God.  You may have forgotten that since you were made in the image and likeness of Divine intelligence and love that you also possess God given qualities and abilities.

Man’s veil and ignorance of God’s TRUTH keeps you in dominant NEGATIVE DESTRUCTIVE ENERGY of bitterness, complaining, confusion, doubt, envy, fear, hate, grudges, jealousy, lack, sadness, unforgiveness, worry etc which keeps you in EMOTIONAL, MENTAL, FINANCIAL, PHYSICAL & SPIRITUAL BONDAGE! It was purposely designed that way.

There is worldly jealousy and quarreling amongst you daily, glorifying leaders in high places. You have forgotten who you are. 

Many of you were enslaved and repeatedly told you were unworthy and less than because of the color of your skin. This enslavement was not only physical but also MENTAL. This clouded your Self Concept even more which causes more self destruction and lack.

Despite all that man has done to keep the veil on, deep down inside you KNOW that you are a LIGHT and that you can do great things you just didn’t know how.

πŸ’« REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE BELOVED. Remember that as a BRANCH of the DIVINE you can access POSITIVE CONSTRUCTIVE  ENERGY of Divine assurance, boldness, compassion, confidence, determination, expectation, faith, financial freedom, forgiveness, gifts, goodness, gratitude, harmony, honor, intelligence, joy, kindness, knowledge, love, mercy, motivation, money, patience, peace, prosperity, respect, riches, success, strength, transformation, unity, victory, wealth, wellness and wisdom.


An ABUNDANT & FULFILLING life as promised is waiting for you but YOU must SEEK God’s WISDOM.  Only YOU can remove the worldly veil and RENEW the corrupt mindset, INCREASE your Belief System & Faith and get into alignment with God’s truth not man’s truth so that YOU can RAISE YOUR LEVEL OF GREATNESS.πŸ™ŒπŸ½ 

YES it takes daily commitment and inner spiritual work  but your life will thank you!

God is waiting on you to REMEMBER that YOU are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development Coach









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