Learn to POSSESS God’s BLESSINGS that is Stored Up For You!
#MotivationMonday - The LAND aka BLESSINGS is set before YOU. Now GO UP & POSSESS IT. Beloved, Divine blessings are all around us but we have to do the INNER SPIRITUAL WORK in order to possess the blessings!
Deuteronomy 1:21 - the Lord your God has set the LAND before you; go up and POSSESS it, as the Lord God of your fathers has spoken to you;
Father God, Creator of the earth, Divine Intelligence, has placed us in a metaphysical ENERGY world governed by universal laws and principles. He also equipped us magnificently with our MIND, HEART, SPIRIT and FREE-WILL to navigate this splendid world!
One major governing law is The Law of Cause and Affect which flows with Mother Nature meaning we REAP WHAT WE SOW! We need to understand that we REAP physically whatever we SOW #mentally, #emotionally and #spiritually!
If we SOW “NEGATIVE” thoughts, emotions & words envy, fear, lack etc, we will REAP more situations to match.
If we SOW “POSITIVE” thoughts, emotions & words love, faith, plenty etc, we will REAP more situations to match.
These universal laws and principles have no respect for age, gender, religion or political affiliation. Our job is to learn and RESPECT the laws as we are being JUDGED accordingly daily!
Our creator loves us so much that he sent messengers including Jesus to teach us how to LIVE & PROSPER in life. The Bible tells us how to GUARD how we think, feel, believe, speak and act for an ABUNDANT life.
Society trained us to look outward for our blessings but God teaches us to look INWARD as the SOURCE of all we seek lives within and to respect his laws!
Father God is waiting on YOU to learn how to POSSESS the LAND & BLESSINGS that is stored up for you!
Namaste 🙏🏽
Donna Morton Morgan
Spiritual Self Development Coach
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