Win More in Life. Seek God’s WISDOM for your Health, Money & Relationships!


#WinningWisdomWednesday - Beloved, we can have way more #WINS in life when we ask God for his #WISDOM, Knowledge and Understanding!

Seek God’s WISDOM for your Health, Money 💰 & Relationships, Career, etc!

God’s Wisdom. Align & Flow with Nature!

Man’s Wisdom. Go against Nature!

Which WISDOM do you think will win?

Proverbs 2:11 - For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding;

Life has many areas and aspects to CONQUER and BALANCE. We will focus on the top 3 today. Our MENTAL & EMOTIONAL STATE aka consciousness aka perspective for any area or aspect of our life shows up to mirror as our PHYSICAL reality! Because of the laws of NATURE we reap what we sow in life - some way, some how!

There is the #HEALTH aspect of life.

There is #RELATIONSHIP aspect of life!

There is the #MONEY aspect of life!

How does WISDOM play a role in the various aspect of our lives? The Law of Cause and Effect dictate that the decisions we make in any area of our life will always return as a result to match. If we make poor choices we will reap poor results! If we make good decisions we will reap good results!

📝 A farmer does not plant apples 🍎 and turn around and pray to God for oranges 🍊. It’s against the law of nature. The farmer must plant the desired seed. 

📝 Most people plant foolishness all day then cry out to God to reap wonderful blessings. That’s going against nature which is a strategy from man’s wisdom.

💕 YOU ARE THE FARMER OF YOUR MIND! YOUR THOUGHTS ARE YOUR SEEDS! It will be up to you to plant weeds or fruits!

Because of our CORRUPT MINDSET most people #SOW lack, limitation and sickness in their lives through thoughts, beliefs, emotions and words then they pray to God to #REAP blessings. This process is against nature so it creates more stress and frustration! You can only reap the like seeds that you plant! 

God’s WISDOM will lead you to learn how to PLANT the seeds you want to reap aka REPROGRAM & SHIFT the corrupt state of mind from poor to prosperous!

🌟 A wise woman will seek God’s wisdom not man’s wisdom in everything that she does and is involved with!

🌟 A wise woman understands that God’s laws and principles governs this earth so she learns and respect them!

🌟 A wise woman understand that the state of her INNER MINDSET aka thoughts, beliefs, emotions and words effect her outer reality!

A poor state of MINDSET about #HEALTH can only result in poor health!

A prosperity state of MINDSET about #HEALTH can only result in more prosperous  health!

A poor state of MINDSET about #RELATIONSHIP can only result in poor relationships!

A prosperous state of MINDSET about #RELATIONSHIP can only result in more prosperous relationships!

A poor state of MINDSET about #MONEY can only result in lack of money! 

A prosperity state of MINDSET about #MONEY can only result in more prosperous  money opportunities!

We are so smart but yet still so foolish about many aspect of this world!

We must begin to SOW seeds to match the life we want!

We are all living our lives as a sum total of our MENTAL & EMOTIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS which is our WISDOM. That level of wisdom reflects in every choice that we make!

It’s time we take RESPONSIBILITY and ACCOUNTABILITY for our choices and decisions that we are making in life and seek God’s wisdom not man’s wisdom!

God is waiting on YOU to seek his WISDOM so that you can get more WINS in life!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 








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