Are You TOO BUSY to Practice Gratitude!


#DailyDoseofGratitude - Are you TOO BUSY to PRACTICE  GRATITUDE? You may be missing out on some AMAZING benefits! Do you know that practicing GRATITUDE is a natural holistic PRESCRIPTION with many positive side effects that will HEAL the MIND, BODY & SOUL! 

📝 What does practicing GRATITUDE means? Taking 2-3 mins throughout the day to GO into the SILENCE and INJECT Vitamin “G” aka God, Gratitude, Goodness 💕 into your mind, heart and soul. This is how we are to love God as Jesus instructed us. 

🌟 When we are DISOBEDIENT and ignore the NATURAL metaphysical mindful methods that our Creator sent his messengers to tell us about so that we can heal and prosper our lives we suffer the consequences.

🌟 When we are TOO BUSY to take time out to GO INTO the SILENCE we DONT HEAR God’s instructions for our lives therefore we remain confused in the dry places longer!

🌟 When we are TOO BUSY to practice gratitude daily for the EXISTING BLESSINGS in our lives any additional abundance and blessings are delayed or taken away! 

🌟 When we are TOO BUSY to practice gratitude daily we remain with consistent negative DESTRUCTIVE EMOTIONS such as anxiety, complaining, fear, grudge, hate, stress, unforgiveness, worry etc which is the recipe for future sadness and sickness!

🌟 When we are TOO BUSY to  practice gratitude for our HEALTH and refuse to RESPECT our temples our temples goes on to disrespect and fail us! 

💕 God is waiting on YOU to go into the silence, PRACTICE GRATITUDE via your mind, heart and soul daily not just on designated days or holidays!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 







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