What is Your “I AM” Consciousness!


 #TheIAMconsciousness - Beloved, what is your I AM CONSCIOUSNESS? Our level of #consciousness about WHO we are and WHAT we deserve in life is the road map 🗺 to our successes and demises in life.

Each HUMAN being holds a LEVEL (from low to high) of CONSCIOUSNESS aka thermostat aka perspective aka subconscious beliefs and mindset about what life has to offer. This consciousness is planted as seeds 🌱 then rooted as a tree 🌳 from childhood experiences, environment of the family, community, school, religion, friends etc and personal traumatic experiences. 

🧐 Our CONSCIOUSNESS about the different areas of our life will a)😃 attract people and situations EASY without much effort and yet on the other hand b)😳 some things will be more DIFFICULT to achieve in life.

🚨 Your spiritual body (energy, vibration & frequency) is like a magnetic antenna  🧲 that picks up signals. It’s important to EVALUATE the different areas to see what’s easy and what’s not so easy to pull into your life.  Then understand that YOU now have to do the daily INNER MINDFULNESS work to RE-BALANCE or RE-ALIGN your body’s energy, vibration and frequency aka consciousness regarding the not so easy areas.

🤔 This is not a quick fix method. This will take time, commitment, patience and understanding that your spiritual body is the point of attraction. These beliefs mostly took years to take root.

🚨 God’s Role. It is done. You see God’s PLANS TO PROSPER us is already in place but WE go out of alignment or out of balance with God’s plans via our limited or corrupt consciousness. 

🚨 Man’s Role. Learn, understand and PRACTICE the rules of God’s truth vs man’s limited truth. Humans must do the daily consciousness work to RENEW the CORRUPT MINDSET in order to SEE & SEIZE God’s blessings! 


😊 RENEWING or REWIRING the LIMITED CONSCIOUSNESS includes taking daily consistent actions such as listening to and silently repeating empowering, positive AFFIRMATIONS, practicing GRATITUDE MEDITATION, silent positive PRAYERS of THANKSGIVING and SPEAKING LIFE over the different areas of your life! 

💜 🙏🏽 God is ALWAYS waiting on YOU!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 

















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