YOU are NOT CHANGED untIl UNTIL your NATURE is changed!


Beloved, YOU are NOT CHANGED untIl UNTIL your NATURE is changedYOU may even be very RELIGIOUS but still NOT CHANGED until you have put on your NEW NATURE! 

🚨 God wants you to PRACTICE putting on your NEW NATURE to have more WINS πŸ₯‡ vs LOSSES in LIFE. 

πŸ“• Colossians 3:10 - Put on your NEW NATURE and be RENEWED as you LEARN to KNOW your Creator and BECOME like him.

🚨 When you begin to PRACTICE vs just HEARING the instructions of the CREATOR you will GAIN the WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING on how to put on your NEW NATURE thus you will have more WINS πŸ˜ƒ vs LOSSES 😒! 

πŸ§ΏπŸ› Putting on your NEW NATURE is a PROCESS of ACTION steps. You are EXPECTED to PARTICIPATE in your SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT growth and journey! 

πŸ“ It’s not the job of the pastor to BELIEVE and build FAITH for your life. Its your RESPONSIBILITY as a child of God! The pastor’s role is to TEACH YOU how to PUT ON A NEW NATURE not to be dependent on any third party! 

🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼


🌻 When you truly understand that you are a CHILD of the CREATOR and have his DNA 🧬 to BLESS and CURSE your life you will operate differently!

🌻 When you truly understand that you are a CO-CREATOR and that you are EQUIPPED with SPIRITUAL CREATIVE SENSES via your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, imagination and words you will operate differently!

🌻 When you truly understand that UNTIL you do the SPIRITUAL SELF DEVELOPMENT work you will continue to WANDER in the WILDERNESS and remain in DRY PLACES much longer than others THEN you will do the work to put on the NEW NATURE! 

🌻 When you truly understand that this daily process of SPIRITUAL SELF DEVELOPMENT growth is KEY πŸ”‘ to you living an abundant and fulfilling life you will begin the daily spiritual self development action steps!

🚨 ACTION STEPS. As you ➡️ a) build a daily PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP (🏡 prayer and meditation) and ➡️ b) LEARN to KNOW your CREATOR (🏡 his governing metaphysical laws on this earth) and BECOME like him (🏡 learning about your DNA 🧬 spiritual creative senses) ➡️ c) you will slowly begin the #RENEWAL process of putting on your NEW NATURE (🏡 new thoughts, beliefs, emotions, words, actions). As a result of this process ➡️ 🏡 🏡 🏡 you will begin to SEE and SEIZE God’s SUCCESSFUL & PROSPEROUS PLANS for your life! 

πŸ›‘ People are going to church and having RELATIONSHIPS with people that maybe RELIGIOUS or SAVED” but NO NEW NATURE and experiencing HELL πŸ˜’ on EARTH. Why? πŸ€” You are NOT CHANGED simply because someone pronounced you as CHANGED.  You are not CHANGED just because you show up to church weekly and do all the religious activities. God is impressed by your LOVING MIND, HEART & SOUL! 

#CHANGE is not magic. Change comes through a daily PROCESS of #RENEWING the limited, negative, stinking thoughts and beliefs in the #MIND, #HEART & #SOUL that you carry since CHILDHOOD. The Bible tells us to RENEW the mind and CLEANSE πŸ§½ the heart so WHY do we IGNORE this part? 

It’s time we stop πŸ›‘ walking around in a circle ⭕️ with little progress in our MARRIAGES, RELATIONSHIPS, MONEY etc We must do better! You were sold a LIMITED marketing version of your relationship with God!

πŸ’œ God is WAITING on YOU Beloved to PRACTICE his words so that you can learn to PLANT 🌱 prosperous seeds for your life ➡️ so you may be able to REAP prosperous HARVEST in ALL areas of your life! 

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 







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