Manage The Super Power of Your Mind & Heart!


#KingdsomSuccessCodez #KeystotheKingdom #NaturalLawsofNature #LawsoftheUniverse #ThoughtsareEnergy #EmotionsareENERGY


✳️The man or woman that CANNOT MANAGE his or her #thoughts, #feelings, #words and #actions usually receive negative consequences in life until this lesson is learned if ever! 

✳️The man or woman that CAN MANAGE his or her #thoughts, #feelings, #words and #actions usually receive more positive rewards and less negative consequences in life and the lessons do not have to be repeated. 

We were given the Keys πŸ”‘ to Kingdom but that info was hidden and twisted by Man’s Plan of Oppression

In 325 AD, the First Council of Nicaea council of Christian bishops convened in the Bithynian city of Nicaea by the Roman Emperor Constantine. This ecumenical council was the first effort to build out the new Christianity. This council decided what information would be deleted or edited and what new information would be added to the new Bible. 

🌻 Despite this attempt to suppress the SPIRITUAL WISDOM of the NATURAL LAWS OF NATURE that our Ancestors knew about, each human now will have to do his or her own due diligence to learn how to unlock their doorπŸšͺ to the Kingdom for an abundant and fulfilling life!

πŸ’« Your THOUGHTS of the mind are energy!

πŸ’« Your EMOTIONS of the heart are energy!

You are a SPIRITUAL being with amazing God Given abilities! 

πŸ’’Your thoughts & emotions - positively and or negatively affect your SOUL character! 

πŸ’’Your thoughts & emotions - positively and or negatively affect your LIFE experiences! 

πŸ”†Your JOB is to learn how to RENEW the MIND, Renew the HEART and Renew the SOUL.

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan, 

Coach, Author 

Inner Vibez Consulting 

Renewing The Mind, Heart & Soul!


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