Ask, Seek & Knock With Your Mind & Heart!

#AskSeekKnockwithYourMindnHeart by Inner Vibez Consulting - Life is BEATING YOU UP unnecessarily! Learn how to GET INTO #ALIGNMENT with GOD’s Laws of the Universe aka NATURE aka SPIRITUAL LAWS and ASK, SEEK & #MKNOCK with Your MIND & HEART! ❇️ You see we usually ask GOD for our NEEDS or DESIRES with worry, pleading or begging which is a place of LACK! You are OUT OF ALIGNMENT aka kicked off the WIFI when you are in LOW energy frequency. The ENERGY of LACK is LOW VIBRATION and only more of the same will come to you until you change to a HIGHER vibrational frequency such as GRATITUDE, HOPE & EXPECTATION. 😱 MEANING. You must “ BE ” (think, feel, act and speak) THANKFUL n GRATEFUL for the delayed blessings in the DRY PLACE way before you get the blessings. Build your FAITH & be patient! 🔆 If your DESIRE for SUCCESS is MORE ➡️ love, healthy marriage, better health, good relationships, more money, a certain lifestyle, thriving business, career ...