
Showing posts from June, 2023

Ask, Seek & Knock With Your Mind & Heart!

  #AskSeekKnockwithYourMindnHeart by Inner Vibez Consulting - Life is BEATING YOU UP unnecessarily! Learn how to GET INTO  #ALIGNMENT with GOD’s Laws of the Universe aka NATURE aka SPIRITUAL LAWS and ASK, SEEK & #MKNOCK with Your MIND & HEART! ❇️ You see we usually ask GOD for our NEEDS or DESIRES with worry, pleading or begging which is a place of LACK! You are OUT OF ALIGNMENT aka kicked off the WIFI when you are in LOW energy frequency. The ENERGY of LACK is LOW VIBRATION and only more of the same will come to you until you change to a HIGHER vibrational frequency such as GRATITUDE, HOPE & EXPECTATION.  😱 MEANING. You must “ BE ” (think, feel, act and speak) THANKFUL n GRATEFUL for the delayed blessings in the DRY PLACE way before you get the blessings. Build your FAITH & be patient!  🔆 If your DESIRE for SUCCESS is MORE ➡️ love, healthy marriage, better health, good relationships, more money, a certain lifestyle, thriving business, career ...

Sleep is MEDICINE For The Mind, Body & Soul!

  #SleepisMEDICINE - Use SLEEP to ELEVATE your LIFE! ELEVATE your HEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS, MONEY, CAREER, LIFESTYLE etc by positive auto suggestion. 🔆 SLEEP IS #MEDICINE FOR THE #MIND, #BODY & #SOUL ! Unfortunately we have not been told about the AMAZING BENEFITS of SLEEP on the physical and or spiritual levels!  IGNORE anyone who is promoting Team No Sleep. Adequate sleep is needed!  🔆 SLEEP SHOULD BE LOOKED AT AS A SPIRITUAL SUCCESS THERAPY FOR LIFE!  🛌 Sleep BENEFITS the # PHYSICAL SELF by   RESTORING & REJUVENATING cells and organs in the body. During SLEEP your body is busy HEALING and REPAIRING itself and actively PREVENTING chronic diseases ! When YOU DENY SLEEP you are denying yourself NATURAL medicine!  🛌 Sleep also BENEFITS the # SPIRITUAL SELF by RESTORING & REJUVENATING the MIND & stored NEGATIVE EMOTIONS of the HEART ! 💕 When the MIND & HEART is RENEWED the #SOUL character is RESTORED!  😴 SLEEP is a similar sta...

God In Me Does The Work!

  #ElevateWellness #GodInMeDoestheWork by Inner Vibez Consulting - Divine Intelligence lives in ME and YOU and that God intelligence does the spiritual & physical work via the #MIND & #HEART. We just have to realize and understand this ancient WISDOM. You feel blocked, sad, lonely, disconnected, depressed, etc when your WIFI 🛜 (mind & heart) ENERGY frequency signal is WEAK or BLOCKED from God’s Divine Infinite Intelligence.  ❇️To RESTORE your WIFI It’s important to carve out a few moments (2-3 mins) THROUGHOUT the day to RAISE your #vibration, to optimize your #frequency (BE STILL aka MEDITATE, PRAY & GIVE THANKS. As your WIFI connection gets STRONGER, ➡️ peace, love, happiness, harmony etc will follow. FYI, this spiritual practice is recommended DAILY not just for emergency ‼️ 🆘  If you ever have WIFI 🛜 issues you understand how frustrating getting anything done can be. You can’t get internet etc. Even though you may have the latest phone, computer or ...

God is Listening to Your Thoughts & Testing Your Heart Daily!

  God is LISTENING 24x7. You think GOD is a genie 🧞 that only shows up to HEAR your PRAYERS in the time of need! FYI, God is DIVINE INTELLIGENCE ✴️ and Divine Intelligence is PRESENT 24x7. Wherever you are God is present! God’s LAWS of NATURE are also in effect 24x7 and those that are ignorant to them will feel the wrath.  Based on how you consistently THINK & FEEL on the subconscious level aka your programming, you will experience Heaven or Hell on this earth 🌍  ‼️ Every single day GOD search 🔍 our HEARTS (emotions) & test the MIND (thoughts)! Depending on the findings and our response to the tests, God’s LAWS deal with us accordingly - positively and/or negatively! It’s not personal, it’s LAW! 📕 Jeremiah 17:10 - “I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give to each man according to his ways, According to the results of his deeds. How do you think you are doing on your daily test when you reflect that God is listening to your secret thoughts a...

Do Not Lose Hope During the Suffering!

  Beloved, DO NOT LOSE HOPE because your SOUL CHARACTER is being tested in the SUFFERING!  🌻 You see, TRANSFORMATION is the LIFE JACKET in the Suffering! However, Transformation occurs as a RESULT of the SOUL CHARACTER being “DEVELOPED” via PERSEVERANCE & HOPE in God in the Midst of the Suffering! ⛔️THE STRUGGLES or LACK SHOW UP FOR THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE “SOUL CHARACTER” What STRUGGLES are showing up for YOU? LACK of ➡️ LOVE, lack of a balanced MENTAL HEALTH, or PHYSICAL HEALTH, lack of consistent flow of MONEY, lack of FREEDOM, lack of OPPORTUNITIES, lack of HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS etc????? 📕 Romans 5:3-4 - Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 🆘 We cry out for God to take us out of the SUFFERING & UNCOMFORTABLE places but that is where we “should” LEARN the lessons, GROW & TRANSFORM! Notice I said should. ⚛️FYI, IF WE DONT LEARN THE LESSONS TO DE...

A Joyful Heart Can Replenish The Dry Places In Your Life!

  #ElevateHERempowerment - by Inner Vibez Consulting - The Bible talks about the #JOYFULHEART because that’s the subconscious level where your #thoughts, #emotions & trauma #memories are stored and also where your BLESSINGS, TRANSFORMATION & HEALING flows! 🅾️We spend a lot of time SAYING we are THANKFUL & GRATEFUL but we really don’t mean it deep down in our HEARTS! 🅾️We spend a lot of time doing religious activities and it looks like we are THANKFUL & GRATEFUL but we are not deep down in our HEARTS! 📛VIBEZ DONT LIE! The doctor reports of increasing sickness & poor health, the influx of incarceration and increased mental health breakdowns REVEALS that we are NOT truly thankful in our HEARTS thus the BROKEN SPIRITS!  ⛔️God isn’t waiting to test our heart when we die. Our HEARTS ❤️ are being TESTED throughout the day, every day, 24x7. We may lie to others about how we truly think and feel but our HEARTS will always reveal our TRUTH! ⛔️The DRY BONES from a ...

Your MIND Is Under Attack!

  #ElevateHim #ElevateHer Empowerment by Inner Vibez Consulting - YOUR “MIND” IS UNDER ATTACK! Beloved, you will NEVER win your PHYSICAL battles until you 1st win the MENTAL battles in Your MIND! ⚛️Beloved, it’s time YOU understand that the LIMITATION and NEGATIVITY in your corrupt MIND is what’s blocking your blessings, your happiness, health, promotion, success, relationships, money etc!  🅾️Until YOU do the daily INNER SPIRITUAL work to GUARD & RENEW your MIND & HEART you will continue to lose your battles in this spiritual journey called life!  💢If you don’t understand that the MIND is the first place of attack then you are fighting a losing battle! 💢If you don’t understand that you can never fix the outside problems long term without 1st fixing the internal programming then you are fighting a losing battle! 💢If you don’t understand that your consistent NEGATIVE thoughts, beliefs, emotions, words & actions contribute to the demise of your life then you ...