God is Listening to Your Thoughts & Testing Your Heart Daily!


God is LISTENING 24x7. You think GOD is a genie 🧞 that only shows up to HEAR your PRAYERS in the time of need! FYI, God is DIVINE INTELLIGENCE ✴️ and Divine Intelligence is PRESENT 24x7. Wherever you are God is present! God’s LAWS of NATURE are also in effect 24x7 and those that are ignorant to them will feel the wrath. 

Based on how you consistently THINK & FEEL on the subconscious level aka your programming, you will experience Heaven or Hell on this earth 🌍 

‼️ Every single day GOD search 🔍 our HEARTS (emotions) & test the MIND (thoughts)! Depending on the findings and our response to the tests, God’s LAWS deal with us accordingly - positively and/or negatively! It’s not personal, it’s LAW!

📕 Jeremiah 17:10 - “I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give to each man according to his ways, According to the results of his deeds.

How do you think you are doing on your daily test when you reflect that God is listening to your secret thoughts about yourself, others, life etc??? Time to think better. Time to feel better in our hearts! 

✴️The WISE person will learn to RENEW the corrupt MIND to change the limited or negative programming and learn to THINK ON GOOD THINGS throughout the day not just occasionally or on designated days!

✴️The WISE person will learn to RELEASE stored negative emotions such as fear, hate, resentment, jealousy, unforgiveness, worry etc in the HEART so as to restore a JOYFUL heart!

✴️The WISE person understands that his or her THOUGHTS of the mind & EMOTIONS of the heart are being tested by God’s laws daily and thus will face the positive and negative consequences accordingly!

May Divine love and light 💡 flow to you always!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 











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