She Is Divinely Clothed By God!


#SpiritualTherapy #PartnershipWithGod #StrengthandDignity #SheIsDivinelyClothed by Inner Vibez Consulting - 

πŸ“•Prov. 31:25 - She is clothed with STRENGTH and DIGNITY; she can laugh at the days to come.

⚜️STRENGTH & DIGNITY is not automatic. Its a DIVINE clothing aka SPIRITUAL SUPPORT that comes as a result of true TRANSFORMATION of the MIND, HEART & SOUL!

⚜️It comes as a result of building a daily personal RELATIONSHIP with God!

⚜️It comes as a result of TRUSTING God in the storms, difficulties and obstacles which increases your FAITH!

⚜️It comes as a result of REJOICING & GIVING THANKS even in the Dry Places!

⚜️It comes as a result of consistent PRAYING! 

⚜️It comes as a result of RENEWING the MIND of past corrupt, negative thoughts and limited beliefs about self and what life has to offer!

⚜️ It comes as a result of CLEANSING the HEART from past stored emotions of anger, fear, resentment, unforgiveness, worry etc caused by trauma! 

⚜️It comes as a result of REMINDING yourself every single day of WHO & WHOSE you are and the blessings, strength, support and protection that comes with the partnership of being a Woman of God!

πŸ”†Yes, Beloved YOU are DIVINELY clothed and SUPPORTED when you do the daily INNER SPIRITUAL work to stay in ALIGNMENT & PARTNERSHIP with God!

May Divine Love & Light πŸ’‘ Follow You Always!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 











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