I Believe & Receive Everything That God Has For Me!
#SpiritualTherapyforSuccess #DailyMantrasforSuccess #IBelieveandReceive #PrimetheMINDforSuccess - Beloved, Our role is to learn how to BELIEVE what God has for us so that we can RECEIVE it! 🕉️ Daily Mantras are a great way to prime the MIND for success! Once the #subconscious mind accepts your declaration as your BELIEF expressed as FAITH then and only then will you see it in your life experiences! The activation must come from within. 💕 The messages from Jesus along with other prophets & ancient wisdom teaches us how to ELEVATE our MIND, HEART & SOUL character so that we can experience an elevated Life! ⚜️Daily Mantra ⚜️ ⚜️Daily Mantra ⚜️ 🕉️I Believe & Receive Everything That God has for Me! 🕉️ I Believe & Receive Everything That God has for Me! 🕉️ I Believe & Receive Everything That God has for Me! 🕉️ I Believe & Receive Everything That God has for Me! 🕉️ I Believe & Rec...