Learn 2 Thrive Not Survive In Life!

 #ThrivingThursday #SpiritualTherapyTalk - GOD WANTS YOU 2 THRIVE NOT JUST SURVIVE by Inner Vibez Consulting. Beloved, there is a SUCCESS formula for life but it takes daily commitment and dedication. YOU must learn to overthrow the corrupt government of your MIND. You must show up and participate in the HEALING, TRANSFORMATION & ELEVATION of your life! 


📕 Joshua 1:8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

🔅You may have grown up your whole life around people with no fault of their own that were thinking, speaking and believing SMALL & LIMITED. Saying phrases like Lord I just need enough to get by. Waiting for the new government to make a way. Waiting for the world to end to take them out of misery. Guess what? That’s what you learned as a child and now as an adult you are living your life in a SMALL & SURVIVING manner! 

🧐 You say you want more but your SUBCONSCIOUS thoughts and beliefs (that runs the show) says NOPE we are with “Team lack & limitation”. So how do you get out from under this corrupt government of your MIND?  ➡️ Here are 3 tips to switch your life from surviving to thriving!

💢You should 1st gain divine wisdom & knowledge that there are universal laws that govern this earth that can BLESS or CURSE you. Understand that your thoughts, beliefs, heart emotions and words somehow commingle in the atmosphere and in some mysterious ways will produce as your harvest. Only YOU can manage your thoughts & emotions 😱 Like the law of electricity, the laws are not personal they just exist with no regard for age, gender, religion etc.

💢You should begin to be aware of this law & CAPTURE your thoughts, beliefs, heart emotions and words aka VIBRATIONAL ENERGY throughout the day and RENEW them from negative to positive! 

💢You should begin to PRACTICE THINKING, BELIEVING, FEELING, SPEAKING & MEDITATING on GOODNESS over your life, health, wealth and happiness! Give God your BEST CHOICE 1st FRUITS in thoughts when you wake up. Incorporate GRATITUDE PRAYERS & MANTRAS throughout the day. 

RELEASE the negative emotions and memories via forgiveness. 

💯 When YOU learn to manage your VIBEZ from consistent negative to consistent positive on a daily basis then you will slowly begin to emit a HIGHER VIBRATION. As a result, NEW HIGHER VIBRATION ideas, creativity, people and opportunities will unfold. Continue to THINK & Dream BIG daily. Take INSPIRED actions. Get involved in contributing to humanity in some way. You will slowly begin the change of going from SURVIVING 2 THRIVING in your life! 

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Mindset Coach 

Inner Vibez Consulting


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