Gratitude & Forgiveness Cleanse for 2024!

 2024 #SpiritualCleanse - #GRATITUDE & #FORGIVENESS CLEANSE. 2024 is the year of OVERFLOW. But we must first have overflow in our thoughts, heart and soul aka Vibez or Energy. If your thoughts, beliefs and habits does not change then NOTHING will change in your life! No one is coming to save you from yourself. It’s your journey that you must be willing to do. You must elevate your BELIEFS & FAITH about who and whose you are to receive God’s blessings. God provides us with many tips and strategies in the Bible. The spiritual teachings of Jesus reinforces how our participation is necessary to be an effective vessel of God.

πŸ”†The Year of Over Flow requires a Next Level Mindset & Spiritual Therapy practices. 

We should know by now that we are spiritual beings living on God’s beautiful earth so we must learn to fight our battles on a spiritual level as Children of the most high.

πŸ’―GRATITUDE CLEANSE 🧽 - Implementing a daily GRATITUDE journal is a wonderful way to Honor God. When we are grateful even before we receive what we need or ask for, we demonstrate to our Father our faith in him to provide for us. Practicing Gratitude reminds us of the many blessings in our life. When we write it, we see it, we read it and we should take time to feel the love energy behind it. This spiritual process goes deep into our souls on multiple levels. Gratitude unleashes more blessings in our life. The more we are thankful for the more people and things we will get to be thankful for. It’s domino effect that goes both ways. If we are consistently not grateful for our current situation, family, friends, health, home, money, car, career, business etc they will disappear from our lives.

πŸ’―FORGIVENESS CLEANSE 🧽 - implementing a forgiveness Therapy is a wonderful way to release negative energy around you and restore positive energy. When you ask God for forgiveness for past shortcomings, mistakes etc it releases an energy that heals and restores your health, wealth and happiness. Basically it restores the DRY BONES in your life. In addition, ask forgiveness and blessings for your loved ones, friends, community etc. Any dispute that you are having with anyone, bless them and ask for forgiveness for them. They don’t need to know. If your child (young or old) is struggling with addiction, negative habits etc ask forgiveness and send blessings their way.

These 2 techniques will help you to take your blessings off God’s layaway. 

⚜️God needs you to stop outsourcing your spiritual power to others. You are just as qualified, you just don’t believe you are. God is waiting on you to step up to your position of a spiritual healer in your life to restore and rejuvenate what the enemy has taken or held back from you. God is waiting on you to do the spiritual work to renew your corrupt mind to a Christ Mindset so that you can transform your life!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development &

Mindset Coach 

Inner Vibez Consulting


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