Think BIG & Plot GOODNESS!!

Every day we have to make a decision to SHOW UP and get IN ALIGNMENT with God's TRUTH vs man's truth about our life. God's truth is for us to have an ABUNDANT & FULFILLING life. Man's truth is struggle, scarcity and stress. Our job is to ALIGN with God's DIVINE intelligence, love, power and strength to live such a life. GOD's DIVINE GOODNESS FLOWS ALL DAY, EVERY DAY, HOWEVER IT'S UP TO US NOT TO BLOCK THE FLOW TO US! We BLOCK the FLOW with our CURRUPT MIND! WE MUST LEARN TO GET "INTO ALIGNMENT" WITH GOD, THINK BIG & PLOT GOODNESS FOR OUR LIVES! 1. Build a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with GOD. We can turn our lives around when we build a personal relationship with God and understand that we are in PARTNERSHIP with God. God is not far away over yonder, the Spirit of God lives WITHIN . 2. RENEW the corrupt MIND. Our very own limited, negative, disempowering THOUGHTS & BELIEFS are BLOCKING the FLOW of God's BLESSINGS to us. The LAW of CA...