
Welcome to Inner Vibez Consulting!

Think BIG & Plot GOODNESS!!

Every day we have to make a decision to SHOW UP and get IN ALIGNMENT with God's TRUTH vs man's truth about our life. God's truth is for us to have an ABUNDANT & FULFILLING life. Man's truth is struggle, scarcity and stress. Our job is to ALIGN with God's DIVINE intelligence, love, power and strength to live such a life. GOD's DIVINE GOODNESS FLOWS ALL DAY, EVERY DAY, HOWEVER IT'S UP TO US NOT TO BLOCK THE FLOW TO US! We BLOCK the FLOW with our CURRUPT MIND! WE MUST LEARN TO GET "INTO ALIGNMENT" WITH GOD, THINK BIG & PLOT GOODNESS FOR OUR LIVES! 1. Build a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with GOD. We can turn our lives around when we build a personal relationship with God and understand that we are in PARTNERSHIP with God. God is not far away over yonder, the Spirit of God lives WITHIN . 2. RENEW the corrupt MIND. Our very own limited, negative, disempowering THOUGHTS & BELIEFS are BLOCKING the FLOW of God's BLESSINGS to us. The LAW of CA...

Think On Good Things For Your Protection & Promotion!

 #ThinkonGoodThings by @InnerVibezConsulting - Beloved your responsibility is to THINK ON GOOD THINGS for your PROTECTION & PROMOTION every day throughout the day. When you REFUSE to RENEW your MINDset, HEARTset & SOUL character, you DELAY your blessings, your restoration and transformation! πŸ“• Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things. πŸ”° For your Protection and Promotion, find time to THINK on GOOD THINGS about your LIFE, FUTURE, FAMILY, HEALTH, WEALTH, HAPPINESS, RELATIONSHIPS, BUSINESS, CAREER, MONEY, PROJECTS LIFESTYLE, COMMUNITY etc  πŸ”°Why is it important? This is how WE do the SPIRITUAL but PRACTICAL work to override aka RENEW the corrupt MIND of limited, negative beliefs and stinking thinking that we learned and adopted since childho...

Stop Cursing Your Life With Your Negative Thoughts!

 Stop πŸ›‘ CURSING your LIFE & Start BLESSING ⚜️ your LIFE by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, your role is to BLESS not CURSE your life. Do you know that every single minute of the day you are using your (positive or negative) #thoughts #beliefs #emotions #words and #actions to BLESS or CURSE your life. Love, you are your first enemy and savior in your life! πŸ“• Romans 12:14 - BLESS AND DO NOT CURSE. ⚜️ STOP πŸ›‘ CURSING YOUR SELF!  ⚜️ STOP πŸ›‘ CURSING YOUR HEALTH! ⚜️ STOP πŸ›‘ CURSING YOUR WEALTH! ⚜️ STOP πŸ›‘ CURSING YOUR HAPPINESS! ⚜️ STOP πŸ›‘ CURSING YOUR RELATIONSHIPS! ⚜️ STOP πŸ›‘ CURSING YOUR BUSINESS! ⚜️ STOP πŸ›‘ CURSING YOUR EMPLOYER! ⚜️ STOP πŸ›‘ CURSING YOUR MONEY! ⚜️ STOP πŸ›‘ CURSING THE WORLD!  πŸ”†πŸ”†πŸ”†Stop πŸ›‘ cursing your CHILDREN with negative thoughts, beliefs, emotions and words about them! ‼️ Pay attention to your THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS BELIEFS, WORDS, aka VIBRATIONAL ENERGY or VIBEZ they are blessing or cursing you! In 2014 it’s time for College level Spiritual Teaching...

Transformation Requires Renewal of The Mind!

‼️ Come on Church in 2024 let’s really help our brothers and sisters out of bondage, lack, limitation and sickness while living on God’s beautiful earth. You can’t continue with business as usual when the stats show that the current church practices is not effective in changing lives long term. Dont just take my word for it - look at the stats of incarceration, divorce, mental health, physical health due to sadness and sickness of many religious individuals. Dont forget the secret and double lives. As a business you owe it to those you lead to encourage more than a blanket statement and religious routines that is supposed to cover all sins. That’s kindergarten. We are now at college level. We are all God’s children. Dont let the BIG BUSINESS of Religion keep you from disclosing the full truth where you just focus on receiving blessings only for an after life. The congregation wants an abundant and fulfilling life while living here on earth too.  πŸ”…Testing and Judgement is happening...

Judgment Is a Daily Event In Your Life!

 Judgement is a Daily Event not a Future Event by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, they told you about a future judgement day coming but let me tell you that you are being TESTED & JUDGED every single minute of the day and you will RECEIVE according to the fruits of your current situation of your MIND & HEART! It’s not personal. It’s God’s universal laws at work! πŸ“• Jeremiah 17:10 - “I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.” πŸ’― It’s your responsibility to pass the tests of your mind and heart when God searches daily even though you were not told how! ✅ I encourage you to do the daily spiritual development work to RENEW the corrupt mind by THINKING on good and positive things. Incorporate daily affirmations, declarations, mantras, meditation, prayer etc to reprogram the subconscious mind which will in return elevate your beliefs and faith aka download a new and improved operating program to ...

God is Sending You Signs & Wonders as Confirmation!

 Rejoice because God is Sending You Signs & Wonders. Beloved, the Spirit of God is PRESENT always and has never left you to return. The Spirit of God communicates with you but you just need to BE STILL to observe the signs and wonders that is all around you! πŸ“• Hebrews 2:4 - And God confirmed the message by giving signs and wonders and various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit according to his will.  πŸ”…God sends us SIGNS & WONDERS via dreams, via people, via opportunities, via nature etc. Majority of the time we OVERLOOK the small signs and go into complaining mode because we missed the signs. We are too busy with social media and life to spend time in the silence with God. ‼️ The NEGATIVE VIBES (thoughts, words, feelings) of COMPLAINING signals to the universe that your FAITH is small and are not worthy of God’s blessings yet so your blessings remain on layaway until your MIND, HEART & SOUL passes the daily test and judgement. VIBES DONT LIE!!! πŸ”± HOW TO OBSER...

Prepare Your Mind to Reveal Christ In You!

 #PrepareYourMind to Reveal CHRIST in YOU - Beloved your 1st job before any job is to PREPARE your MIND so that CHRIST is REVEALED in YOU for your protection, provision and promotion. This is how WE fight our daily spiritual battles!  πŸ“• 1 Peter 1: 13 - Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. πŸ“• 1 Peter 5:8 - Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. ‼️ You see they told you that Christ left and will return one day but the Spirit of Christ never left you. You just have to do the spiritual work to RENEW your MIND, HEART & SOUL so that the presence of CHRIST can be REVEALED and MAGNIFIED in your life! πŸ’―SPIRITUAL WORK: πŸ”…As you do your daily PRIMING and RENEWAL of the MIND to develop love for yourself and for others, CHRIST will be revealed in you!  πŸ”…As you do your daily prayer, gratitude, mantras,...

Be An Example of Christ!

 Be an #EXAMPLEofChrist not just a vain worshipper - To WIN πŸ† more in life we have to THINK, FEEL, BELIEVE, SPEAK and REPRESENT aka be an EXAMPLE in #higher and #positive levels as Christ did. πŸ’• WE ARE TO BE AN EXAMPLE of CHRIST not just a VAIN worshipper of Christ.  πŸ”…We are to carry on the representation of Christ via our MINDSET and ACTIONS ☀️ In 2024 let’s understand the difference between simply worshipping Christ with VAIN repetition as mankind commands us to do vs being an EXAMPLE of Christ.  πŸ”…Our DAILY thoughts, heart emotions, words and actions should represent CHRIST - full of blessings, compassion, love, forgiveness, healing, giving to the poor etc! πŸ’•  ‼️ FYI, if our thoughts, beliefs, words, actions etc about ourselves and others are complaining, fear, hate, jealousy, resentment, unkind, unforgiving, worry etc etc that is NOT a representation of Christ and we are in fact participating in vain worshipping. Our blessings will remain In layaway until we ...