Be An Example of Christ!

 Be an #EXAMPLEofChrist not just a vain worshipper - To WIN 🏆 more in life we have to THINK, FEEL, BELIEVE, SPEAK and REPRESENT aka be an EXAMPLE in #higher and #positive levels as Christ did. 💕 WE ARE TO BE AN EXAMPLE of CHRIST not just a VAIN worshipper of Christ. 

🔅We are to carry on the representation of Christ via our MINDSET and ACTIONS ☀️ In 2024 let’s understand the difference between simply worshipping Christ with VAIN repetition as mankind commands us to do vs being an EXAMPLE of Christ. 

🔅Our DAILY thoughts, heart emotions, words and actions should represent CHRIST - full of blessings, compassion, love, forgiveness, healing, giving to the poor etc! 💕 

‼️ FYI, if our thoughts, beliefs, words, actions etc about ourselves and others are complaining, fear, hate, jealousy, resentment, unkind, unforgiving, worry etc etc that is NOT a representation of Christ and we are in fact participating in vain worshipping. Our blessings will remain In layaway until we conform to being an EXAMPLE of Christ! 💕 

🔔 People prefer to do VAIN worship vs doing their spiritual work to be an example of Christ because it takes time and commitment daily plus it would require leaving behind the limited truth we were given and coming out of ignorance. 

🔔 However we can’t deceive God only SELF. Our thoughts, words, emotions and actions are being JUDGED each day! 💕

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development & 

Mindset Coach 

Inner Vibez Consulting, LLC 

#Onelove #SpiritualTherapyTalk


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