Judgment Is a Daily Event In Your Life!

 Judgement is a Daily Event not a Future Event by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, they told you about a future judgement day coming but let me tell you that you are being TESTED & JUDGED every single minute of the day and you will RECEIVE according to the fruits of your current situation of your MIND & HEART! It’s not personal. It’s God’s universal laws at work!

📕 Jeremiah 17:10 - “I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”

💯 It’s your responsibility to pass the tests of your mind and heart when God searches daily even though you were not told how!

✅ I encourage you to do the daily spiritual development work to RENEW the corrupt mind by THINKING on good and positive things. Incorporate daily affirmations, declarations, mantras, meditation, prayer etc to reprogram the subconscious mind which will in return elevate your beliefs and faith aka download a new and improved operating program to live from.

✅ I encourage you to do the daily spiritual development work to CLEANSE your corrupt HEART from trauma and hurt by FORGIVING self and those that hurt you. Incorporate giving more service and money to the less fortunate with a cheerful heart. Incorporate GRATITUDE to infuse love so that your heart will not remain hard and brittle.

‼️ These spiritual practices will help you to pass the spiritual tests and daily judgments when God searches your mind and heart daily! Why? Your VIBES will have moved more into alignment and agreement with Christ. 

❤️ God is your Spiritual Partner. Your job is to learn to communicate with the Spirit of God and the universal energy around you.

🏆 🏆 🏆 PART 2:

What does it mean when our thoughts and heart is TESTED by God daily and why is it IMPORTANT? 

😢 FOOLISH THOUGHTS. If there is dominant anxiety, anger, complaining, doubt, envy, fear, hate, heartlessness, jealousy, resentment, slander, unforgiveness, worry etc present in the MIND & HEART we will be JUDGED HARSHLY and RECEIVE SPARINGLY if any. You will continue to wander and suffer in the DRY PLACES even though you cry out to God.

😃 FAITHFUL THOUGHTS. If there is dominant and high expectation, faith, hope, love, peace, positivity, harmony, forgiveness, think on good things etc when our thoughts and heart is tested by God then we will slowly get our blessings off layaway. Restoration and transformation will come upon us. 

‼️ We cannot fool God. Vibes don’t lie. 

🔔 There are procedures and laws that we must follow even though we are not aware of them. So that means we must be in constant conditioning of our thoughts and heart ❤️ 

Majority of pastors don’t teach on this spiritual level because unfortunately church has become a Business and YOUR sadness and sickness is BIG BUSINESS for society at large.

I hope these blogs lead to you doing your spiritual work to transform your mind, heart, soul and life!

One love 💕

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development & 

Mindset Coach 

Inner Vibez Consulting, LLC


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