Pray for WISDOM for our Children!

Beloved, we must diligently PRAY for our CHILDREN to gain WISDOM from GOD as early as possible. Why? 🧐 Now more than ever our children’s MINDS are under attack by negative influences from music, movies, social media, etc. Once the mind is influenced negatively it’s a battle to undo.

Wisdom develops GOOD JUDGMENT!

Wisdom develops GOOD CHARACTER!

Wisdom will GUIDE them!

Wisdom will PROTECT them!

Wisdom will BLESS them!

Proverbs 4:5-6

Don’t forget my words or turn away from them. 
6 Don’t turn your back on wisdom, for she will PROTECT you. Love her, and she will GUARD you. 

Good people get into bad situations because of LACK OF WISDOM and good judgement. 

Sometimes we have the chance to make things right and sometimes we don’t get that 2nd chance.

Addiction, Depression, Overdose, Suicide etc usually begins with suppressed negative influences, negative emotions and negative memories, carried in the heart seeking self healing of the hole in the soul.

Children being incarcerated early is usually the result of poor judgement and direction, lack of self love and lack of vision and hope for their life. 

Our children are growing up in a world of NO FILTERS to protect what they hear and see. The depression and suicide rates are at an all time high while we go on with our daily lives. They are suffering and we are not paying attention because our faces are also buried in the screens. 

It’s our JOB as parents to protect, provide and PRAY for them! 

Now more than ever we must We PRAY over their lives for Wisdom from God not from the negative world wisdom and influences.

Allow God’s WISDOM to guard, love and protect them. 

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development Coach





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