Seek God’s TRUTH not man’s truth to allow God's BLESSINGS to FLOW to and Through YOU!

Beloved, seek God’s TRUTH not man’s truth to allow God's BLESSINGS to FLOW to and through YOU so that you may live FAITHFULY & FABULOUSLY. When we walk in ignorance to God’s laws and principles we walk in fear, lack, worry which then slowly but surely creates sickness and diseases.

Matthew 6:33 “But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” 

When we grasp that God is WITHIN our hearts (Luke 17:21) and not outside of us we will begin the enlightenment process and the beginning of seeking God’s Kingdom and righteousness. God is the SOURCE of all you seek. God is within YOU.

 You just have to learn to BE STILL and practice getting your Spirit in ALIGNMENT with the Spirit of God. (Psalm 46:10)

When you SEEK a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with God you will diligently and willingly add God to your daily “To Do” list. No one will need to remind you to spend time with your SPIRITUAL PARTNER

God’s TRUTH and man’s truth are 2 different strategies and outcomes.

πŸ“ God wants you to live a more abundant and fulfilling life guided with his wisdom, knowledge and understanding of his laws and principles so that you can be an effective, happy, successful steward in order to complete his assignments.

πŸ“ Man wants you to be limited, weak and sick emotionally, financially, mentally, relationally and spiritually. Man builds more hospitals and prisons with anticipation of your demise.

Man will always give you the watered down or false version of God to prevent you from being the best version of yourself and to prevent you from achieving greatness. Your sickness and lack profits man and society.

❤️ When we SEEK God’s Kingdom and righteousness, we learn how we personally contribute to blocking God’s FLOW of BLESSINGS through our very own God given senses and that we were equipped with to navigate earth POWERED by our faith or fear. We have DOMINION and FEAR to rule our life! (Job 25:2)

πŸ’• We learn that God’s laws, principles, energy, vibration, frequency and Mother Nature governs the earth. Ignorance is no excuse to the God’s governing laws. We are judged DAILY according and will REAP the fruits that we SOW. It’s not personal it’s law.  (1 Corinthians 3:8)

πŸ’• We learn how God has been directing us through his messengers to live in harmony with his laws and principles on this earth through the Bible because he loves us. He sent his son Jesus to teach his words so that we could learn how to live abundantly. (John 10:10) Jesus was crucified for his teachings.

πŸ’• We learn how our habitual THOUGHTS, BELIEFS, EMOTIONS & WORDS create CONSTRUCTIVE and DESTRUCTIVE creative ENERGY which are used to bless and or curse our lives. (Proverbs 18:21)

πŸ’• We learn how important it is to LOVE God on 3 levels with our MIND, HEART & SOUL as to maintain HIGH creative ENERGY vs low destructive energy. (Matthew 22:37)

πŸ’• We learn to GUARD our HEARTS because our habitual NEGATIVE thoughts and emotions have negative consequences, and our habitual POSITIVE thoughts and emotions have positive consequences based on God’s Law of Cause and Effect. (Luke 6:45)

πŸ’• We learn that t is DONE UNTO US AS we BELIEVE - positively and negatively. 
(Matthew 8:13)

Beloved, God is waiting on you to Seek his Truth not man’s truth to unblock the FLOW of your abundant blessings stored up for you so that you can live FABULOUSLY. It’s time to REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 
Donna Morton Morgan 
Spiritual Self-Development Coach


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