The Gratitude Energy Activates God’s Goodness & Mercy In Your Life!


#GratitudeEnergyThe Gratitude Energy Activates God’s Goodness & Mercy In Your Life! Too many people think that GRATITUDE  is speaking a few words about being thankful. The ENERGY of Gratitude is #THINKING, #FEELING & #BEING #GRATEFUL in your #SPIRIT throughout the day not just for 5 mins or 1x week at church. 

Jesus tells us the greatest commandment in the law is to LOVE God - with our #HEART, #MIND & #SOUL! When you are in GRATITUDE ENERGY you are loving God on all 3 levels!

We missed the MAGNITUDE of this verse and are IGNORANT to it’s critical importance in our lives.

Many say they don’t have time to practice GRATITUDE because they don’t understand that this daily PRACTICE is food 🍱 for the mind, body & soul!

We say we love & trust God yet we spend most of our day unintentionally rejecting God’s PLANS to PROSPER us via our negative energy communication! 

It’s really because we LACK THE KNOWLEDGE OF WHO & WHOSE we are which was a purposeful design by society! 

🚨 God is a Spiritual POWER & PRESENCE and we were made in his image as mini spiritual beings. We have our Father’s DNA. God is Within us. God equipped us to communicate on this level. If we were taught this way early on as children we would accept vs reject the spiritual teachings of Jesus.

Anyways so we are communicating all day every day with God the mighty Creator, Divine, Infinite Intelligence via our ENERGY frequency and vibration (positive 😃 and negative 😢). 

God created us and placed us in his beautiful universe surrounded by magnetic 🧲 ENERGY ranging from HIGH 🔝 constructive energy to LOW ⬇️ destructive energy. We are participating 24x7 in this field of energy whether we know it or not. Ignorance is no excuse. 

📝 The PLAN to PROSPER us is already set. Our job is to ACCEPT OR DENY God’s plan via our ENERGETIC channels. Ignorance, age, gender, culture, religion is no excuse to God’s governing laws and principles.

📝 IT IS IMPORTANT & CRITICAL TO REALIZE THAT WE ARE COMMUNICATING TO GOD 24x7 via our ENERGY. What has that energetic communication been like?  😃 🫤 🙃 😞 😡 Are you mostly LOVING God throughout the day or mostly COMPLAINING to God throughout the day. Either way you are communicating and your LIFE is being affected positively and or negatively in different areas based on your daily ENERGY communication you send out!

Because by our very own THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS & WORDS we BLESS and or CURSE our life!

💕 We are the CHANNELS on earth that God works through! Our body is literally a TEMPLE that should be handled with care! God makes FINAL ruling but we have a ROLE to play in this game called life! 

😃 GRATITUDE is a HIGH CONSTUCTIVE energy that is very BENEFICIAL to the mind, body & soul! It DRAWS our blessings to us. It takes us out of the wilderness quicker. It gives life to your life experiences! It heals the minds, body & soul!

😃 LOVE & JOY are also HIGH 🆙 CONSTRUCTIVE energy to bless your life! 

😞 COMPLAINING, ENVY, FEAR, GUILT, GRUDGE, JEALOUSY, SADNESS, UNFORGIVENESS, WORRY etc are LOW 😞 DESTRUCTIVE energy that is very detrimental to the mind, body & soul causing DELAYS of our blessings, causing SICKNESS & SABOTAGE and eventually DESTRUCTION in our lives!

Stop looking for ENEMIES outside and start looking at the enemy energy inside!

God is waiting on YOU to spend time in the LOVE & HEALING ENERGY of GRATITUDE and love him with your Heart, Mind & Soul.

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 


















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