Stop Looking Back & Carrying Your PAST!

Beloved, Stop LOOKING BACK and carrying your PAST! You keep blocking your HAPPINESS in your present and future because you keep holding on to NEGATIVE EMOTIONS of your past memories! Don’t be like Lot’s wife and look back longingly and foolishly.

Genesis 19:26 - But Lot’s wife, foolishly, longingly looked back toward Sodom and she became a pillar of salt.

The woman you once were, is in the past. The way you used to think, believe and speak is in the past. The habits you used to have is in the past. The places you used to go is in the past. The negative trauma or life experiences is in the past. 

We are not discrediting your pain, experience or trauma. We are not saying it’s easy to move forward and let go. We are saying the negative EMOTIONS that you carry in your heart from yesterday can hinder you being the best version of you today. 

Yes. Your very own negative thoughts and emotions that is stored in your heart can burden and block you emotionally, financially, mentally, physically, relationally & spiritually. It’s critical for you to let go of the dead things in your life aka the past.

The negative destructive spiritual energy of the past can create a STRONGHOLD over your life. Those type of negative energy can block you and or sabotage you every step of the way. You think it’s the devil or others plotting against you but in reality it’s you unknowingly subconsciously plotting against you because your spirit is saturated with NEGATIVE DESTRUCTIVE ENERGY emotions such as anger, bitterness, depression, fear, hate, guilt, jealousy, resentment, shame, unforgiveness, unworthiness etc. 

We know that stress creates sickness. What is stress? Stored up negative emotions in the heart and cells of your body. Because we are SPIRIT beings living in an energetic metaphysical world, these negative emotions affect us on many other levels not just physically. We are told repeatedly in the Bible to GUARD our thoughts and hearts.

Your FOCUS today must be on HEALING & RELEASING the stored negative EMOTIONS of the PAST so that you can move forward with your future. The memories will still be there but they will not be charged ⚡️ with negative destructive energy emotions.

📝 LET THE DEAD BURY THE DEAD.  Work on healing and burying the past. 

Forgive you. Forgive your past.

⭐️ RENEW THE CORRUPT MIND. Seek professional therapy if needed to help you. Carve out time daily to renew the mind with NEW THOUGHTS of a loving, abundant, happy, healthy and wealthy NOW and FUTURE!

⭐️ GUARD THE HEART. Monitor the emotions of the past that keeps showing up. Practice feeling new positive EMOTIONS of love, gratitude and hope.

⭐️ SPIRITUAL PARTNERSHIP WITH GOD. Build a personal relationship and get in alignment with God in your SOUL. Know that God is your SPIRITUAL PARTNER. Seek God’s wisdom for increased new expectations, faith and hope for your now & future.

💗 God is waiting on you to stop looking back at your past so that your BLESSINGS can FLOW freely to you.

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development Coach





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