Gratitude is Spiritual Medicine!

 #Gratitude can replenish the #DRYBONES in your life by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, GRATITUDE is your 💊🛡️ #SpiritualMedicine & #SpiritualArmor - the Bible repeatedly tells us how important expressing “GRATITUDE” is in our life. The Bible even refers to gratitude as medicine and the consequences when we don’t have it! 

📕 Proverbs 17:22  - A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

💯 GRATITUDE REPLENISHES THE DRY BONES IN YOUR LIFE. Keep in mind that when you are practicing gratitude daily you are working on replenishing the DRY areas in your life - your SELF LOVE, HEALTH, WEALTH, HAPPINESS, RELATIONSHIPS, BUSINESS, PROJECTS, MONEY etc 

⁉️Why don’t we hear more about SPIRITUAL MEDICINE such as gratitude? Because we were programmed to ignore spirituality even though the Bible supports it. Gratitude 💕 is an ENERGETIC VIBRATION of LOVE that emits from our heart into the universe! In some mysterious way it commingles with universal law. Gratitude 😊 is a high, healing frequency. Hate 😠 is also a vibrational frequency but it’s low and destructive. Vibez don’t lie! You cannot FAKE real happiness, joyful, cheerfulness aka gratitude!

🛡️ Practicing Gratitude is not only spiritual medicine to heal your mind, body & soul. It’s a way of putting on your spiritual armor to fight your spiritual battles to limit foolishness into your life and bring more good things for you to be grateful for! 

🔱 God is waiting on you to put on your spiritual armor! 

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 



 #StirUpTheGiftofGodWithin #TheGodinMEdoestheWork 


#TheKingdomofGODisWithin #ItisDoneUntoYOUasYOUbelieve

#Speaklife #ThinkonGoodThings

#RenewtheMind #CleansetheHeart 

#DeclareBlessingsoverYourLife #onelove 

#StirUpTheGiftofGodWithin #TheGodinMEdoestheWork 


#TheKingdomofGODisWithin #ItisDoneUntoYOUasYOUbelieve

#Speaklife #ThinkonGoodThings

#RenewtheMind #CleansetheHeart 

#DeclareBlessingsoverYourLife #onelove


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