God’s PLANS is to PROSPER you!


#FaithfulnFabulousFriday🌟  - Beloved, Fabulousness can be the norm when YOU get in ALIGNMENT with God’s TRUTH & PLANS for your life not man’s truth and plans.

You see because of the way society tries to dumb us down and keep us living in fear, lack and limitation, we have adopted limiting BELIEFS that our life on this earth should be filled with hopelessness, struggles and despair. Well that is a false belief! 

However it’s entirely up to YOU if you will ALIGN with God’s plans or man’s plans for your life.

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to PROSPER you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE. 

You have to get out of that limitation box 📦 society, world government etc want you to remain in! However it takes daily dedicated inner spiritual work to ELEVATE your corrupt consciousness aka mindset and beliefs. Yep it takes work and most people are not up for the work!

💫 You would have to develop a personal relationship with your Creator and Spiritual Partner, God Almighty!

💫 You would have to understand that the Spirit of God lives WITHIN you so therefore your power to manage your life is within and not outside of you!

💫 You would have to understand that God has universal laws and principles that govern this world and learn to respect them!

💫 You would have to learn how to LOVE God with your mind, heart and soul!

💫 You would have to learn how to GUARD your thoughts, heart and words!

💫 You would have to learn to THINK & FEEL good things to raise your VIBRATION energy from low destructive energy to high healing energy!

Yes it’s definitely work but once you begin purposely aligning with God it will become a way of life! 

God is waiting on YOU to get in alignment with his TRUTH and PLANS and learn to manage your life accordingly! 

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development Coach








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