Choose Dominion not Fear Over Your Life!


#MotivationMonday - Beloved the ENERGY power of #DOMINION & #FEAR is within each and every one of us but only YOU can choose which power you will align with!

Job 25:2 - Dominion and fear are with him, he maketh peace in his high places.

💕 You were given Dominion to rule your life! 

📝 You are the vessel that God uses on this earth to complete his assignments. You are here on this earth 🌍 for a reason. 

💥 You have POWER but you were taught by society that you are powerless!

 💗 Only YOU can do the inner spiritual work to gain God’s not man’s wisdom to understand who & whose you are! No one can do this work for you!

When you have gained God’s wisdom, knowledge and understanding, the FOG will be lifted and you will understand the power of dominion & fear that YOU possess within!

📝 Your internal THOUGHTS & EMOTIONS aka SUBCONSCIOUS aka CONSCIOUSNESS is the rudder that steers your ship aka life!

All of us operate from CORRUPTED, NEGATIVE & LIMITING programming in different areas of our lives. How you ask?

📝 Our CONSCIOUSNESS is a sub total of our childhood beliefs, environment, culture, life experiences, trauma etc. Whatever we experience in life, both positive and negative is stored in our MEMORY and we begin to operate from it like a silent program. 

For example if we experienced negativity with #relationships or #money, we will adopt the traumatic memories and operate from that perspective which will block future good in those areas.

Whatever OUTER negative & positive results that keep showing up in our life is a reflection of the INNER consciousness beliefs about SELF!


⭐️ CHOOSE DOMINION today to regain your power and learn to MANAGE & RENEW the CORRUPT MINDSET!

⭐️ CHOOSE DOMINION today and practice reprogramming the LIMITED, NEGATIVE memories of the PAST that are SABOTAGING your FUTURE with NEW EMPOWERING THOUGHTS! 

God is waiting on you to CHOOSE dominion over your life! 

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 








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