God is waiting on YOU to RENEW the MIND!


#ThankfulThursday 💕- Have YOU started the process of RENEWING your MIND so you can TRANSFORM your life? You are waiting on God but God is waiting on YOU! The ball 🏀 is in your court!

Romans 12:2 - And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

When you see others achieving their goals, know that they put in WORK to improve their MINDSET. It’s not luck! 

❤️ I AM THANKFUL for doing the daily SPIRITUAL SELF DEVELOPMENT work to RENEW my MIND and TRANSFORM my life! 

Thank you Father as I see the improvements and transformation in my HEALTH, MARRIAGE, MONEY, BUSINESS, PROJECTS, RELATIONSHIPS etc.

📝 RENEWING THE MIND is necessary and critical because of our CORRUPT Mindset aka (subconscious THOUGHTS, BELIEFS and FEELINGS) about who & whose we are! 

This corruption usually begins at childhood, environment, culture, trauma or life experiences. Once the LIMITED or NEGATIVE BELIEFS are adopted you operate from it even as an adult automatically until you do the inner work to CHANGE THE PROGRAM!

A corrupt MINDSET will not be able to recognize blessings or seize opportunities even when it’s right in front of them! 

A corrupt MINDSET will limit your health, wealth, relationships, businesses, money and happiness in life!


RENEWING THE MIND takes inner wisdom, knowledge and understanding in order to pledge and commit to the daily practices.

💫 RENEWING THE MIND takes daily practice of repeating (silently & aloud) empowering #AFFIRMATIONS about your life to reprogram new thoughts & beliefs!

💫 RENEWING THE MIND takes daily practice of feeling #LOVE and gratitude about self & life!

💫 RENEWING THE MIND takes daily practice of #IMAGINATION of the life you want to live!

💫 RENEWING THE MIND takes daily practice of reviewing the #VISION aka blueprint of your life!

💫 RENEWING THE MIND takes daily practice of #ENCOURAGING self that you are deserving and worthy of happiness, goodness and success in your life!

God is waiting on you to RENEW YOUR MIND do that you can receive the blessings stored for you and transform your life!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 








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