Seeking The Kingdom of God is An Inside Job!


Seek the KINGDOM OF GOD above all else. Where is the Kingdom? My child why do you keep looking outside for the Kingdom? Did I not tell you that the Kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU! 

Beloved as you begin to do the INNER SPIRITUAL & MINDFULNESS work, you and various aspects of your life will transform.

Whatever you seek is Within! Learn to build a personal relationship and connect daily with your spiritual partner, provider, protector, God Almighty, WiFi of Infinite Intelligence. 

Learn how your personal participation is required so that you can navigate an abundant and fulfilling life. Learn about God’s metaphysical energetic universe and how you can BLESS and CURSE your very own life with your THOUGHTS, BELIEFS, WORDS & FEELINGS

God equipped you for this earth but you forgot who and whose you are so you wander aimlessly in the wilderness. Your mind and heart is saturated with destructive energy emotions of sadness, sickness and stress because you feel alone in this world.

If you truly knew who and whose you are you would not feel alone. You would not cry in doubt, fear and worry when you are alone. 

Wake up beloved. Arise from the fog. It’s time to remember who and whose you are. 

You are an Heir to the Throne. You are a beneficiary of God. It’s time to claim what is stored up for you. 

It is done unto YOU as you BELIEVE so let’s learn to LEVEL UP our beliefs about life! 

God is waiting on YOU to Seek First The Kingdom of God Within! All you seek is Within because God is WITHIN you!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 
















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