The Keys of Your Mind, Heart & Soul!

#SoulfulSunday #KingdomKeys - Beloved, YOU Were Given the KEYS 🔑 of GOD’s Kingdom to LOOSE your BLESSINGS & BIND your ENEMIES to obtain deliverance from #emotional, #financial, #mental, #physical & #spiritual bondage. You just don’t know how to use them to UNLOCK your doors of BLESSINGS and BIND negative attacks on your life! 📕 Matthew 16:19 - “And I will give unto thee the KEYS of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: Keys revealed by God via Jesus: The greatest commandment that all other laws fall under! Keys🔑🔑🔑 Greatest commandment 📕 Matthew 22:37 - LOVE God with all your MIND, HEART & SOUL! (There is WORK that we must do) 🤔 Here we have the GREATEST commandment in the Bible but yet very little information on the PRACTICAL TECHNIQUES from our leaders, church, school, parents etc on how to LOVE via our mind, heart and soul! 💢 The...