The Keys of Your Mind, Heart & Soul!


#SoulfulSunday #KingdomKeys - Beloved, YOU Were  Given the  KEYS πŸ”‘ of GOD’s Kingdom to LOOSE your BLESSINGS & BIND your ENEMIES to obtain deliverance from #emotional, #financial, #mental, #physical & #spiritual bondage. You just don’t know how to use them to UNLOCK your doors of BLESSINGS and BIND negative attacks on your life! 

πŸ“• Matthew 16:19 - “And I will give unto thee the KEYS of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: 

Keys revealed by God via Jesus: The greatest commandment that all other laws fall under!

KeysπŸ”‘πŸ”‘πŸ”‘ Greatest commandment  

πŸ“• Matthew 22:37 - LOVE God with all your MIND, HEART & SOUL! (There is WORK that we must do)

πŸ€” Here we have the GREATEST commandment in the Bible but yet very little information on the PRACTICAL TECHNIQUES  from our leaders, church, school, parents etc on how to LOVE via our mind, heart and soul! 

πŸ’’ The spiritual knowledge and wisdom of God’s Laws of Nature is foreign to many of us because of a deliberate attempt by leaders to keep us powerless and ignorant so that we can remain in bondage in multiple ways! Your sadness and sickness is BIG BUSINESS

πŸ”†Jesus came to remind us of these hidden ancient spiritual teachings of our ancestors and was of course crucified for this revelation!

If you are open to the TEACHINGS of Jesus you should have no problem putting in the work to LOVE GOD on these 3 levels - MIND, HEART & SOUL!  This is critical in LOOSING and or BINDING in the spiritual realm which will then show up in the physical realm! 

Many say they follow Jesus but REJECT his teachings! 

πŸ”†TIPS for SOUL WORK & DELIVERANCE from BONDAGE. Every day incorporate practices to RENEW the MIND, CLEANSE the HEART via gratitude and forgiveness and INCREASE your FAITH in who and whose you are so that you can effectively represent as FRUITS of the spirit! 

πŸ”†FAITH WITHOUT ACTION IS DEAD. Don’t just READ the word but PRACTICE the word!

You now have to LEARN to 1) acknowledge, understand and respect this spiritual wisdom that you are a spiritual being in a magnetic 🧲 energetic world! There are LAWS that if not respected (like electricity or gravity) will have NEGATIVE consequences. It’s not personal. Find out more about the 7 Hermetic Laws & Principles! 

2) You then need to PRACTICE this spiritual knowledge of LOVING GOD 3 dimensionally for best results in your life!

πŸ™πŸ½ God is waiting on you Beloved! 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 







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