Elevate Your Vibez!


#TheEmotionalJourneyoftheSoul #RaiseYourVibration #LawofVibration #RaiseYourConsciousness - WHERE ARE YOU CONSISTENTLY ON THE CHART? What are YOU attracting? 🤔 😞 😆 We attract & manifest WHO WE ARE not WHAT WE WANT via our VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY! 

🌻 Jesus tells us that the greatest Commandment is to LOVE God with our MIND, HEART & SOUL then love our neighbors. Why, because our journey of attaining an abundance of health, wealth and happiness depends on our ability to LOVE on the 3 levels.  #Thoughts #Emotions #SoulCharacter

God already designed PLANS 2 PROSPER us but we have to go through the process of overcoming the ego, RENEWING THE MIND and elevating the consciousness! Our African ANCESTORS knew of these spiritual energy and many Greek and Roman scholars learned this wisdom. 

😞 If your VIBRATION is consistently #LOW, #NEGATIVE DESTRUCTIVE (#anger, #criticizing, #fear, #gossip, #grudge, #sadness, #unforgiveness, #worry, low self esteem, self confidence, self worth etc) it will attract people, circumstances and situations that match those Vibez even if you are a nice person.

The longer we stay in destructive vibrations the longer we will experience sadness and sickness aka wander in the wilderness!

😃 If your VIBRATION is consistently #HIGH #POSITIVE CREATIVE emotions (#congratulating #compliments #excitement #expectation, #gratitude, #love, #forgiveness, #recommit etc) we will attract and manifest people, circumstances and situations to match those Vibez!

Learn to RAISE 🆙 your VIBEZ! Represent as the FRUITS 🍎  🍉 🍌 of the SPIRIT! 

It’s not personal it’s the LAW of VIBRATION! 💕 

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 







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