Learn 2 Master The Spiritual Power of Your Mind & Heart!

#SoulfulSunday - Beloved, its Your Job to Master Your Spiritual πŸ’₯ Power of your HEART & MIND  to Improve Your Life!  The CREATOR has given us spiritual power via our MIND & HEART πŸ’œ to live in this metaphysical world! Your job is to learn about God’s NATURAL LAWS OF NATURE and how your mind and heart interact with these laws!  Application of this spiritual wisdom can bless your life in so many ways!

πŸ“• Colossians 3:1-2 NIV - Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your HEART on things above, Set your MIND on things above …..

πŸ€” What principles are you applying daily to SET your Heart & Mind on good & high quality things?

Numerous times in the Bible we are told to guard, renew, cleanse and raise UP our Heart & Thoughts!

The HEART is cited 826 times in the Bible. The MIND is cited 120 times in the Bible. 

Why is the Heart & Mind so critical? They are the WELLSPRING of our BELIEFS which leads to our CHOICES & DECISIONS in life!

What is the MIND? The Mind is a make up of mental faculties which includes thought, imagination, memory, will and beliefs. Unlike the Brain, the mind cannot be touched! 

⚡️ THE LAW OF CAUSE & EFFECT. We live in a world surrounded by God’s NATURAL LAWS & principles. The Law of CAUSE & EFFECT aka Karma is one of those laws. What we put out into the atmosphere we will get back as life experiences via people and situations!

πŸ’’POOR, LIMITED or NEGATIVE thinking and emotions can ONLY be reaped as poor, limited or negative life experiences! It’s not personal. It’s law! 

πŸ”…To REAP positive success experiences we must RENEW the corrupt mind & heart and plant new positive & successful thoughts in the mind & heart!

🌻 The type of LIFE PARTNERS, CAREER CHOICES etc we CHOOSE in life flows from the WELLSPRING of our positive or negative emotions and thoughts aka BELIEFS about self and what we deserve in life!

♨️ HOW CAUSE & EFFECT applies to the Balance and Unbalanced Mind & Heart:

πŸ˜ƒ A BALANCED harmonious MIND & HEART will produce more positive harmonious thoughts, emotions and beliefs which leads to a healthier, loving and peaceful lifestyle. This individual has dealt with life traumas and is HEALING or has HEALED.

❇️ This individual is more conscious of self love, respect and worth which will impact the choices of what to eat & drink, wellbeing - exercise, spending time with nature, developing healthy habits, prayer, spiritual self development etc.

✅ EFFECT aka CONSEQUENCES - BALANCED MIND & HEART. The Effect of these choices will lean to more POSITIVE in all areas of life! The positive consciousness leads to more love within, better health, peace of mind, gratitude, patience, better relationships, appreciation of family, friends, life, money, life experiences etc etc. 

😞 An UNBALANCED disharmonious MIND & HEART will produce more negative disharmonious thoughts, emotions and beliefs of self which leads to poor choices and a risky lifestyle. The person usually is at this level due to UNHEALED childhood trauma, unhealed pain or hurt and is still carrying a HOLE in the SOUL as an adult. 

πŸ’’ This individual may experience low self love, respect & worth, lean more towards negative habits, self sabotage, poor choices, unhealthy food, drinks, behavior etc to cover up the pain. 

πŸ’’ EFFECT aka CONSEQUENCES of an UNBALANCED  MIND & HEART. The choices will be more NEGATIVE in various areas of life! The negative consciousness leads to poor life choices, addiction, poor health, unhealthy relationships, criminal behavior, loss of freedom, family, money etc etc. 

πŸ’• Recognize where you are right now in life. What PATH are YOU on?  Make the commitment to RAISE UP YOUR HEART & MIND to be Christlike for your sake and your family! 

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 







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