Your Little Faith Is Holding You Back!


#LearntoIncreaseYourFaithLevel #YourLittleFaithisHoldingYouBack by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, daily INNER work is needed to INCREASE your FAITH LEVEL. Did you know you can have a HIGH ⬆️ FAITH LEVEL that there is a GOD but have a LOW ⬇️ FAITH LEVEL about your SELF WORTH, your ABILITIES or even WHATS COMING to you. We always have to work on INCREASING our FAITH LEVEL about ourselves. When our Faith Level is 💯 about a situation there is no wavering, no stress, no doubt, no fear or worry about the situation. Instead we are at PEACE and EXPECTATION.

📕 Luke 17:5 - Lord, “Increase our faith!”

🌻 YOU are the VESSEL that GOD works through here on earth. If you are complaining, doubting, fearing, worrying PLUS thinking, speaking and representing with LITTLE FAITH then God’s work will be LIMITED through you! 

✴️Therefore, Your ROLE is to Work on INCREASING Your FAITH LEVEL about God,Your Partnership, Your Life, Relationships, Business, Career, Money, Projects etc 

‼️ If LOVE, MONEY, OPPORTUNITIES, PROMOTION, CUSTOMERS etc are NOT FLOWING for you currently you might be experiencing LITTLE FAITH, some sort of stored TRAUMA or INSECURITY in that area. In other words you may need more time to work on increasing your SELF CONFIDENCE or SELF WORTH or SELF LOVE or you may also lack the WISDOM needed to handle that blessing. 

✴️There is always a MESSAGE behind the DELAY or LACK but daily RENEWAL of the MIND & HEART is always a great way to PREPARE for DIVINE INSPIRED ACTIONS!

☺️ Faith without works is dead! 

💕 God is waiting on YOU to align with his prosperous plans for your life but ONLY YOU can do the daily INNER work to ELEVATE your FAITH!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 
Spiritual Self Development 
& Mindset Coach 


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