God Wants You To LOVE People Not Just Him!


⁉️TOO MANY PEOPLE CLAIM TO LOVE GOD BUT UNABLE TO SHOW LOVE TO THEIR PARTNER, FAMILY, CHILDREN etc! #SpiritualTherapy #SoulfulSunday - GOD wants us to Focus on Building #LOVING Relationships With Each Other by Inner Vibez Consulting Beloved, it’s HYPOCRITICAL to focus on a Loving relationship with God but IGNORE building loving relationships with your #partner, #family #children etc 


πŸ“• 1 Peter 4:8 - Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

⚛️The BIBLE is a wonderful book that gives GUIDELINES on how to live and LOVE self and others. It encourages high moral values. It gives guidance in parables on natural universal ways to avoid conflicts and curses in our life and how to attract goodness and mercy in our life!

❌However many of us don’t look to the Bible to learn how to build LOVING relationships with our loved ones, neighbors etc but only towards God!

⁉️How can we claim to Love God in Heaven but refuse to learn how to maintain LOVING & HEALTHY relationships here on earth! 

🚫Claiming to REPRESENT GOD should NOT just be in your weekly RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES but it also should REFLECT in your WORDS, HEART & ACTIONS towards self & others!

It’s EASY to LOVE God. It’s HARD to LOVE people

God doesn’t irritate, bother or hurt us!

God doesn’t speak or behave indifferently to us!

God doesn’t have attitude with us!

God doesn’t say negative or hurtful words to us!

On the other hand, the people we Love do these things. They are the ones that come to really TEST how we truly represent God.

❌ WHY IS IT HYPOCRITICAL? When you love God you should not tear down others! You are considered GODLESS!

πŸ“• Proverbs 11:9 - With his mouth the godless man destroys his neighbor, But through knowledge the righteous will be delivered.

πŸ”†The NEIGHBOR should be looked at as our husband, wife, partner, children, family, friends, coworkers etc 

πŸ™πŸ½ God is waiting on you to FOCUS on BUILDING LOVING RELATIONSHIPS with SELF & our loved ones here on earth! 

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 











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