She is BLESSED Because She Gives!


#SpiritualTherapy⚜️ #BlessedbyGiving by Inner Vibez Consulting 

πŸ”°SHE is BLESSED because SHE opens her HEART & ARMS to the Needy!

πŸ“• Proverbs 31:20 - She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. 

✴️ Beloved, your BLESSINGS may be DELAYED simply because you are not SERVING GOD with your gifts, time or money!

✴️ Serving the LESS FORTUNATE is very important to God. If you say that you love and represent God then service should be on your daily TO DO List! 

✴️ God is not only to be praised in churches once a week. God is NOT IMPRESSED by your TITLES. God wants REPRESENTATION from YOU serving the needy in your community! In addition, teach those you serve to turn around and serve others in some way! 

πŸ’―Whatever little you have in your possession today GIVE from that!

❌ Stop waiting for MORE MONEY πŸ’°before you give money. You will never get it with that mindset. 

❌ Stop waiting for MORE TIME before you give time. You will never get it with that mindset. 

Many are in repeated TRIALS & TRIBULATIONS in life simply because they have not learned how to spiritually activate God’s blessings in their life! 

πŸ›œ God’s WIFI is far from them because their MIND & HEART is far from God! They DONT GIVE or SERVE his children in need! 

Too many of us want to be BLESSED by God but don’t want to GIVE UP time, love, care, compassion, money etc in exchange!


⚜️Spiritual BLESSINGS aka Healing, Strength, Protection, Support etc comes when we open our Heart & Arms to those in need! Be an Ambassador of God today not just in your words but in your ACTIONS! 

πŸ’• Partner with an organization in your community today and open your HEART & ARMS to those most in need so that you can begin to activate your blessings! 

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 











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