Plant Seeds You Want 2 Reap!


#StopGoingAgainstNATURE by Inner Vibez Consulting - The Farmer never REBUKE the CROP he/she receives from the SEEDS that was planted 🌱 in the GROUND. The Farmer does not plant apple 🍎 seeds then expects oranges 🍊 to show up!  The Farmer does not ask God to change the crop after the seeds are planted! ITS AGAINST NATURE! The Farmer plants the SEEDS to match his/her desire. Then water, fertilize and weeds out the garden! Why in the world do we think we can REBUKE the crop we receive from the SEEDS we plant in our MIND. 🤔 Where did we LEARN such limited information about life??? 

‼️ We really have to stop the foolishness. Nature does not work that way. We must PLANT the  🌱 SEEDS in our MINDS for what we want to RECEIVE in our life! Period!!! Then we must do the daily maintenance to water, fertilize and weed out negativity! 

Galatians 6:7 - Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 


God gave us nature! God gave us universal laws and principles. God gave us energy, vibration and frequency. Don’t be afraid of it! Embrace it and elevate your life! 🛑 the limited teachings!

It’s not personal it’s LAW!

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 











#godismystrength  #consciousness #nextlevelmindset #godiswithme


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