
Showing posts from May, 2023

Transform Your Thoughts & Heart and Transform Your Life!

  #ElevateHerEmpowerment by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, YOU want CHANGE but you don’t want to do the INNER work to get there! TRANSFORMATION is an “INSIDE” job that you cannot outsource. When you do the INNER SPIRITUAL WORK to TRANSFORM aka RENEW the MIND & HEART your SOUL character will also be transformed and you will become a new man / woman!  πŸ†˜ Society has led you AWAY from your power. They have told you that you are insignificant to your own co creation and they laugh all the way to the bank 🏦 because you are sad, sick and stressed! The stats from the doctors, hospitals, jails and mental health facilities reveals the unresolved secret pain you carry!  We were taught to look outside for CHANGE so we practice the religious routines as they taught us and we change our hair, clothes, partners, friends, where we live, our jobs, church  etc only to find SELF with the same SECRET insecurities, trauma memories, sabotage, limitations etc keeps showing up pres...

Be EXCITED About Life & Life Will Be Excited About You!

  PositiveVibezMatters #BeEXCITEDaboutLIFE - Beloved, everything is #ENERGY! Be EXCITED about LIFE & in some MYSTERIOUS way LIFE will Return the ENERGY & Be EXCITED About YOU! ‼️ πŸ”” ‼️ πŸ”” LIFE & ENERGY TIPS 101!  πŸ˜ƒ If you have consistent, dominant HIGH, POSITIVE & EXCITING conscious & subconscious #thoughts and #feelings about SELF & LIFE then you will project that ENERGY into the universe as a SEED and the universe / God / Nature will BLESS you with the HARVEST to match!  😞 If you have consistent, dominant LOW, NEGATIVE & DEPRESSING conscious & subconscious #thoughts and #feelings about SELF & LIFE then you will project that ENERGY into the universe as a SEED and the universe / God / Nature will BLESS you with the HARVEST to match!  God’s LAWS OF NATURE are Not Personal. They interact and respond to us accordingly!  🌻 As a Man Thinks So is HE / SHE!  🌻 It is DONE unto You as YOU Believe!  ‼️ BEING EXCITED about ...

You Are a Ray of Sunshine!

  #ElevateHERempowerment - Hey Sunshine ☀️ #LetYourLightShineBright by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved YOU are GOD’s RAY OF SUNSHINE ☀️ here to BRIGHTEN UP the world 🌎 In WHAT WAYS are you being a Light πŸ’‘ & doing GOOD DEEDS in the dark places?  πŸ“• “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 🌻 You are not here just to work, retire and die. You are to find your purpose of how you can also GIVE BACK to life and leave this earth BRIGHTER ☀️ than how you found it!  ✴️YOU have your very own unique GIFTS & TALENTS to BRIGHTEN this world however your LACK of wisdom, and knowledge about WHO and WHOSE you is holding you back from effectively completing this role!  ✴️Your LOW self awareness, self confidence, self love and self worth also HOLDS YOU BACK from being an effective REPRESENTATIVE for God! You must learn to SHINE from WITHIN then you will come out from under the cl...

Your Little Faith Is Holding You Back!

  #LearntoIncreaseYourFaithLevel #YourLittleFaithisHoldingYouBack by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, daily INNER work is needed to INCREASE your FAITH LEVEL. Did you know you can have a HIGH ⬆️ FAITH LEVEL that there is a GOD but have a LOW ⬇️ FAITH LEVEL about your SELF WORTH, your ABILITIES or even WHATS COMING to you. We always have to work on INCREASING our FAITH LEVEL about ourselves. When our Faith Level is πŸ’― about a situation there is no wavering, no stress, no doubt, no fear or worry about the situation. Instead we are at PEACE and EXPECTATION. πŸ“• Luke 17:5 - Lord, “Increase our faith!” 🌻 YOU are the VESSEL that GOD works through here on earth. If you are complaining, doubting, fearing, worrying PLUS thinking, speaking and representing with LITTLE FAITH then God’s work will be LIMITED through you!  ✴️Therefore, Your ROLE is to Work on INCREASING Your FAITH LEVEL about God,Your Partnership, Your Life, Relationships, Business, Career, Money, Projects etc  ‼️ If ...

The Power of Hope & Desire!

  #ElevateEmpowerment - The Powerful Mix of #HopeandDesire by Inner Vibez Consulting - When #HOPE & #DESIRE is PRESENT in your #Marriage, #Relationships, #Business, #Career, #Projects, etc it will always REPRESENT as a TREE of LIFE! πŸ“• Proverbs 13:12 - HOPE deferred makes the HEART SICK, But DESIRE FULFILLED is a tree of life. πŸ’’LACK OF HOPE & DESIRE will DRY up your marriage, relationship, business, career, projects etc and eventually your heart!  ⚛️HOPE & DESIRE are HIGH ENERGETIC emotions that transfer on a vibration level emotionally, mentally and physically into the spiritual realm!  πŸ’’When these 2 energies are IN SYNC in a particular area it shows up as a #HIGH representation of LOVE, UNITY, EXCITEMENT & TOGETHERNESS which can stimulate creativity, success, money making ideas etc.  πŸ’’When these 2 energies are NOT IN SYNC it shows up as #LOW representation of LOVE, UNITY, EXCITEMENT & TOGETHERNESS which will eventually lead to distraction, di...

Add Positive Thinking to Your To Do List!

  πŸ’― πŸ’° Next LEVEL LIFE requires NEXT LEVEL THINKING! #elevateherempowerment #ElevateLife #ElevateWellness #NextLevelThinking by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, if something is tugging at your heart or you desire MORE in your life do not apologize or shut it down. This means that your DESTINY requires a NEXT LEVEL! πŸ€” PEOPLE want the RESULTS without putting in the WORK! God’s LAWS of NATURE don’t work like that!  ❇️Put POSITIVE THINKING on your TO DO LIST!  🌻 Your SOUL is nudging you that there is MORE for your UNIQUE self to ACCOMPLISH & ACHIEVE! πŸ›‘However the FRUSTRATION comes in because YOU don’t BELIEVE that you are WORTHY of it or you don’t know how you could ever make it possible! You feel that you are too young, too old, you feel, unqualified, you’re not connected to the right people, you have no resources etc  ✴️Your JOB is not to worry about how it will UNFOLD.  ✴️Your job is to THINK! πŸ’― ➡️THINK ON GOOD THINGS! ➡️THINK ON POSITIVE THINGS! ➡️THIN...

Stop Blaming The Devil!

  #ElevateHERempowerment #StopBlamingTheDevil for everything by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, Sometimes It’s Not The Devil Blocking YOU it’s your LIMITED BELIEFS about YOU and only YOU can do the inner work to renew the limited, corrupt mindset!  🌻 You are HERE to do MIGHTY WORKS in your home, in your community, at your job, in your business, with your talent etc but you STAND IN YOUR WAY because of your limited beliefs and low SELF WORTH or SELF IMAGE! ⚛️Your LIMITED BELIEFS about who and whose you are aka your SELF IMAGE and SELF WORTH” and will always limit growth in your #HEALTH, #RELATIONSHIPS, #BUSINESS, #CAREER, #MONEY, etc  πŸ’• God is waiting on YOU to do the INNER spiritual development work to remember the bright diamond πŸ’Ž that you are!  Namaste πŸ™πŸ½  Donna Morton Morgan  Spiritual Self Development  & Mindset Coach  #womenofkultureINC #innervibezconsulting #mindsetofchrist #kingdomsuccesscodez  #spiritualselfdevelopment #ele...