You Are a Ray of Sunshine!


#ElevateHERempowerment - Hey Sunshine ☀️ #LetYourLightShineBright by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved YOU are GOD’s RAY OF SUNSHINE ☀️ here to BRIGHTEN UP the world 🌎 In WHAT WAYS are you being a Light 💡 & doing GOOD DEEDS in the dark places? 

📕 “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

🌻 You are not here just to work, retire and die. You are to find your purpose of how you can also GIVE BACK to life and leave this earth BRIGHTER ☀️ than how you found it! 

✴️YOU have your very own unique GIFTS & TALENTS to BRIGHTEN this world however your LACK of wisdom, and knowledge about WHO and WHOSE you is holding you back from effectively completing this role! 

✴️Your LOW self awareness, self confidence, self love and self worth also HOLDS YOU BACK from being an effective REPRESENTATIVE for God! You must learn to SHINE from WITHIN then you will come out from under the clouds ☁️ and effectively be a BRIGHT LIGHT 💡 in the dark for others! 

✴️For you to do GREAT WORKS for God on this earth you must do the INNER spiritual SELF DEVELOPMENT development to ELEVATE you #emotionally, #financially, #mentally, #physically and #spiritually!

⚛️When YOU are ELEVATED then you can ELEVATE others and be an EFFECTIVE representative of God!

⚛️When YOU are ELEVATED then you can ELEVATE others in DARK PLACES!

💕 God is waiting on you to do the spiritual self development work so that you can SHINE ✨ BRIGHTER in your home, in the workplace and your community!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 
Self Development 
& Mindset Coach 


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