The Power of Hope & Desire!


#ElevateEmpowerment - The Powerful Mix of #HopeandDesire by Inner Vibez Consulting - When #HOPE & #DESIRE is PRESENT in your #Marriage, #Relationships, #Business, #Career, #Projects, etc it will always REPRESENT as a TREE of LIFE!

πŸ“• Proverbs 13:12 - HOPE deferred makes the HEART SICK, But DESIRE FULFILLED is a tree of life.

πŸ’’LACK OF HOPE & DESIRE will DRY up your marriage, relationship, business, career, projects etc and eventually your heart! 

⚛️HOPE & DESIRE are HIGH ENERGETIC emotions that transfer on a vibration level emotionally, mentally and physically into the spiritual realm! 

πŸ’’When these 2 energies are IN SYNC in a particular area it shows up as a #HIGH representation of LOVE, UNITY, EXCITEMENT & TOGETHERNESS which can stimulate creativity, success, money making ideas etc. 

πŸ’’When these 2 energies are NOT IN SYNC it shows up as #LOW representation of LOVE, UNITY, EXCITEMENT & TOGETHERNESS which will eventually lead to distraction, distance and division! 

πŸ’’Whenever we lose HOPE or DESIRE for any AREA of our LIFE it is transmitted whether we mention it out loud or not! The other people involved knows that something is different! 


✴️Don’t worry that once DRIED UP TREE aka marriage, relationship, business, career, project etc can be REVITALIZED but you have to put the INNER WORK and learn to WATER it in your mind and heart! 

πŸ™πŸ½ #MiracleMantra - Daily Divine Hope & Desire Prayer. Father I Give Thanks for the DIVINE HOPE & DESIRE in my mind, heart and soul which transfers into my health, wealth, happiness, marriage, family, relationships, businesss, career, projects etc. I receive your divine prosperous plans for my life! Amen πŸ™πŸ½

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 











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