Be Still & Transform Your Life with Frequent Meditation Therapy!


#TransformationTuesday - Beloved, Be Still and TRANSFORM your LIFE with frequent SPIRITUAL MINDFULNESS MEDITATION THERAPY aka VITAMIN GOD THERAPY. The Bible tells us to BE STILL and know that I am God. Prayer is you talking to God and meditation is you hearing from God. 

⭐️ MAKE GOD A PRIORITY IN YOUR LIFE. Take time to HONOR God throughout the day and you will be rewarded with blessings, creativity, guidance, healing, mercy, wisdom etc.

It’s encouraged to incorporate a  SPIRITUAL MINDFULNESS MEDITATION THERAPY aka VITAMIN GOD THERAPY several times throughout your day. 

Meditation has so many wonderful NATURAL HEALING benefits such as RELIEF of NEGATIVE destructive energy such as anxiety, depression, fear, stress, sadness, worry. These consistent emotions lead to sickness and diseases. 

You can sit with your hands in prayer position or by your side. The point is being still and comfortable.

If you heard negative things about meditation it’s because of the natural healing benefits. Remember, man’s profit is based on your sickness 🤕 and misery. 

Teaching children early on to turn inwards to CALM themselves vs relying on meds is very important. You should be the example for them.

These sessions can be as little as 5 mins each time. Do you have 5 mins for God? Hmm 🤔 

You must make time for God in your day. Don’t wait for a crisis to show up to reach out to your Spiritual Partner, God Almighty. 

Take a few mins to pray and thank God for all the blessings in your life. Take another few mins to just be still and feel God’s love and presence. Repeat your favorite Bible verse or phrase silently. Find a verse that resonates with you such as this.

💗 Philippians 4:13 - I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me

This frequent SPIRITUAL MINDFULNESS THERAPY triggers POSITIVE energy flow in the body for HEALING. It bolsters your confidence to deal with life - your partner, children, family, co-workers, poor health, financial troubles, legal troubles etc 

If you are not spending time to BE STILL you are denying yourself an amazing relief of feeling God’s love and peace 

💕 BE STILL. Go to your favorite and quiet part of the house, restroom, outside, in the car, backyard, patio etc. At work, instead of a cigarette break take a God therapy break. Wherever you are find incorporate this method even if it’s closing your eyes (as long as you are not driving) for 2 mins and taking deep breaths.

💫 Be Still and allow yourself to be LOVED by your Spiritual Partner, God Almighty.

💫 Be Still and allow yourself to be GUIDED by your Spiritual Partner, God Almighty. 

💫 Be Still and allow yourself to be HEALED by your Spiritual Partner, God Almighty.

Father God is waiting on you to BE STILL so that you can hear his instructions for your life!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development Coach









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