Improve Your Spirit to Heal The Dry Places In Your Life!


Beloved, when YOU spend time IMPROVING your “SPIRIT” it will bear good fruit in the DRY PLACES of your life such as your 🌟 HEALTH 🌟CAREER 🌟 MARRIAGE or 🌟 FAMILY. Any improvement that we are looking for on the outside must first be developed within so that it can FLOW through you!

DO YOU HAVE ANY DRY PLACES IN YOUR LIFE? Improving your #SPIRITUAL ENERGY and #BELIEF daily can restore the dry places! Operating consistently from HIGH HEALING constructive energy of love, harmony, peace will restore the dry places. The fact is most of us are very far from healing energy and operate more from consistent low destructive energy of fear, hate, jealousy, worry etc

When our spirit is aligned with positive vibrational energy such as harmony, gratitude, love, peace etc we are aligned with the HEALING ENERGIES of God.

Galatians 5:22-23 - But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. 

The Bible tells us what the representation of the FRUIT of the Spirit of God looks like. How close are you to these qualities?

If we say we LOVE, FOLLOW & REPRESENT God & Christ, our Spirit should also reflect these qualities. This however, means daily INNER spiritual self development work. REPRESENTATION means we think, believe, feel, speak and act to match the spirit of God. 

The Bible is the best SELF DEVELOPMENT guide. It repeatedly tells us how to live for an abundant and fulfilling life. We follow Jesus but ignore the teachings that his Father, God, gave him about our spiritual relationship to God and connection on this earth.

God’s truth and man’s truth are 2 different routes. God wants you to live an abundant and fulfilling life. Man wants to keep you emotionally, financially, mentally and physically in bondage. 

The messages of the Bible repeatedly talks about what really is the basis of the Law of Cause & Effect aka KARMA aka we REAP what we SOW. It’s really how Mother Nature responds to us. It’s not personal. Its law. We don’t understand the energy nature of electricity but if we disrespect it then it will disrespect us. 

For our protection, we are told in the Bible repeatedly to GUARD our MIND, HEART and WORDS from negative destructive energy thoughts, beliefs, emotions and words because they somehow go forward and return unto us to match.

Too many times we are able to express high positive qualities in church settings but 5 mins after leaving we revert back to the dominant subconscious programming of low, negative, destructive energy thinking, feeling and speaking of bitterness, complaining, fear, hate, grudge, jealousy, lack, resentment, sadness and worry etc.

God is waiting on you to take the time to WORK ON IMPROVING your SPIRIT

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 
Spiritual Self Development Coach


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