It’s the GOD in ME that does the Work!


IT’s THE GOD IN ME that does the work! Beloved, Jesus told his followers repeatedly that it was his Father God, who dwells in him that does the work. Jesus also tells us that the Father also dwells in each of you too and you can do the work of your father, even greater if he/she believes.

So why do we REJECT what Jesus is telling us about our SPIRITUAL relationship and abilities with God?

The fact is that we have been programmed by HIGH RULERS to FOLLOW Jesus but REJECT his spiritual teachings. 

#YourMiseryisProfit. In the Rulers eyes, having too many empowered and enlightened people takes away from big profit. High rulers best interest is profit not people. 

You see, your IGNORANCE to who and whose you really are equals to you walking in anxiety, depression, doubt, fear, hate, jealousy, sadness, sickness, worry etc which all equals BIG PROFIT

God and man’s truth are 2 different routes.

GOD’s TRUTH. God wants us to live an abundant and fulfilling life. God wants us to be aware of the creative ENERGY LAWS (positive & negative) that governs his earth. He gave us DOMINION to rule our lives. However, he LOVES us so much and he tries to PROTECT us from the metaphysical laws. He sent messengers and Jesus to teach us how to GUARD our (creative) THOUGHTS, HEART and WORDS because death and life springs from the well that we create. God also sent his messengers to teach us to INCREASE our BELIEFS and FAITH and WISDOM!

MAN’s TRUTH. Man wants to keep you emotionally, financially, mentally and physically in BONDAGE. Your misery is big profit πŸ’°.

πŸ“ In John 14:10, Jesus said “Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: “the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works”

The words he spoke, the healings etc was because of his relationship and belief in his Father. He knew that he and his Father were one. He also knew that he, the Father and you are one. 

πŸ“ In John 14:12 Jesus also teaches that “he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

πŸ’— God is Your SPIRITUAL PARTNER. God is waiting on YOU to seek his truth and know that he lives within your Spirit. Note that the abilities, creativity and gifts are all from him not just for personal gain but to complete his assignments on earth! You are his vessel aka branch aka representative aka ambassador.

God is waiting on you to gain wisdom, knowledge and understand that It’s the GOD in YOU that does the work!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development Coach









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