Learn to PRAY effectively to TRANSFORM your life!

#TransformationTuesday - Beloved learning how to PRAY effectively can TRANSFORM your life! We usually know what to SAY in our prayers but do we really know HOW to pray?

Jesus tells us how to pray to God. Mark 11:24 - Whatever you ask for in prayer “BELIEVE” that you have received it, and it will be yours.

This verse right here is a million dollar nugget that most people miss. YOU must BELIEVE what you are praying for to receive it. Many of us believe in Jesus but doubt his instructions given by God. Many of us don’t believe for the things we pray for. Why?

God’s truth and man’s truth are 2 different routes. We really were NOT taught how to pray effectively.

Many of us pray impersonally from a place of ANXIETY DOUBT, FEAR & WORRY (unbelief) and not a place of belief. 

Many of us pray only in crisis situations so there is again a plethora of negative emotions of STRESS surrounding the prayer.

Many of us pray BEGGING God to do something in our lives which is again coming from a place of doubt, fear & worry.

We are not praying EFFECTIVELY because we mostly pray from LOW negative destructive energy emotions and they are not in alignment with how Jesus says we are to pray.

We are canceling out our prayers with our very own negative destructive emotions and we wonder why God isn’t answering our prayers.

Each person has to work on INCREASING their beliefs for HEALTH, MONEY, RELATIONSHIPS etc. You may have a high belief in one are but low in another area. 

We must then learn to build a personal RELATIONSHIP with God as our SPIRITUAL PARTNER. The daily relationship is very important as it develops and increases love, trust, faith and belief. 

We should learn about God’s governing laws and principles on this earth we so can understand why we are instructed to GUARD our thoughts, heart and words.

We should learn to increase our FAITH and BELIEF in God, our spiritual partner and our abilities aligned with God.

We should learn to understand that we are children of DIVINE, love and light and we have that also in our spirit. 

We should learn how to LOVE God with our THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS aka HEART & SOUL.

HONOR GOD DAILY. Add God to your daily To Do list. Carve out time to connect your spirit with the Spirit of God daily. Don’t wait for an emergency to seek God.


THINK that what you pray for is done. VISUALIZE that what you pray for is done. FEEL that what you pray for is done.

SPEAK that what you pray for is done.


All these things will INCREASE our BELIEFS when we PRAY! We will develop a sense of calm and peace that is is done then it will be done unto us as we believe.

God is waiting on you to learn how to believe for what you pray for!

Namaste 🙏🏽

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development Coach





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