Practice Putting on the NEW SELF daily!

Beloved, do you take time daily to practice putting on the NEW SELF? Do you think this is not important? Do you think because you have a high level of education that you no longer need self -improvement? You are so wrong!

The Bible tells us that the old self is CORRUPTED so it’s important for daily renewal.

📝 Note how we are told to RENEW SELF

Colossians 3:10 - Put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.

We are to do the spiritual inner work to improve SELF in the KNOWLEDGE after the IMAGE of GOD. God’s truth not man’s truth.

Its important to practice daily in improving SELF - Self CONCEPT, Self CONFIDENCE, Self ESTEEM, Self RESPECT, Self WORTH because we operate from and are able to receive God’s blessings based on our levels. If these areas are low you will reap accordingly and vice versa.

The KNOWLEDGE of our Creator, his universal laws and principles and the awareness that the Spirit of God dwells within us, not outside somewhere far away, increases our BELIEF and FAITH in God and our abilities to GET IN ALIGNMENT with God. The level of our beliefs and faith is equal to how and what we are able to receive from God. See how important this is.

💫 The RENEWAL is not only for your personal benefit. It benefits GOD when you are able to represent him with an ABUNDANCE display of assurance, boldness, compassion, confidence, determination, expectation, faith, financial freedom, forgiveness, gratitude, harmony, honor, intelligence, joy, kindness, knowledge, love, motivation, money, patience, peace, respect, success, strength, transformation, unity, victory, wealth, wellness and wisdom.

It’s disheartening to see persons that claim to follow God and Jesus walking and talking with consistent bitterness, complaining, confusion, doubt, envy, fear, hate, grudges, jealousy, lack, miserableness, sadness, unforgiveness, worry etc. This means that they are living in religion but not in relationship with the Father.

💫 The RENEWAL also flows into your RELATIONSHIPS and benefits your role as a parent, spouse, child, sibling, coworker, employee, employer, boss, CEO etc. You will learn to be the BEST VERSION of self.

As you slowly release the low negative destructive energy thoughts and feelings and RENEW and PUT ON higher positive constructive energy thoughts and emotions you will walk, talk and RECEIVE differently. It’s a domino effect based on the Law of Cause and Effect.

God wants best for us however he gave us dominion to rule this earth. As a parent he can’t force us, only encourage and guide us. He sent messengers including Jesus to teach us how to live in order to avoid his wrath and attain his blessings by his universal laws and principles but we still reject it today.

💕 Beloved, GOD is waiting on YOU to Be Still, pray, meditate, RENEW your mind and PUT ON the new SELF.

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development Coach







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