We WIN when our Spiritual Eyes are open!

Beloved, we WIN 🏆 when our spiritual EYES are open and we REMEMBER who and whose we are in Christ. 

John 9:39-41 Jesus said, “For judgment I came into this world, that those who do not see may SEE and those that do see will be blind”

JESUS IS THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME SPIRITUAL TEACHER! Jesus spoke many times in parables on purpose. Even his own disciples questioned his teachings even though they saw first hand the many miracles he performed. They were not trained to receive this level of spiritual works. Even today many follow Jesus but don't understand his teachings therefore rejecting his teachings to their detriment.

God’s truth and man’s truth are 2 different routes. Society does not want enlightened, empowered people walking around because it cuts away from their profit in addiction, dependent, sickness & incarceration.

📝 We are told repeatedly to GUARD our thoughts, emotions and words because life and death, blessings and curses flow from them.

🚨 Note that we are surrounded by creative ENERGY at all times - from low negative destructive to high positive constructive. Our vibration and frequency of our thoughts and feelings matter.

😞 When your SPIRITUAL EYES aka the HEART is CLOSED, you operate from low DARK energy. THE VEIL IS PLACED. You dominantly think, feel, see, speak and act in doubt, complaining, envy, fear, hate, grudge, jealousy, lack, negativity, sadness, worry etc. These LOW NEGATIVE DESTRUCTIVE emotions come to rob, steal and destroy your health, freedom, joy & success!

😃 When your SPIRITUAL EYES aka the HEART is OPEN, you operate from high LIGHT energy. THE VEIL IS LIFTED. You dominantly think, feel, see, speak and act in abundance, boldness, confidence, courage, determination, expectation, faith, harmony, hope, love, peace, renewal, success, truth, unity, victory, vitality, wealth, wellness, wisdom etc. These HIGH CONSTRUCTIVE emotions come to give you healing, freedom, joy & success!

When our spiritual eyes are open and the veil is lifted, we begin to understand that we are spiritual beings connected to the spirit of DIVINE INTELLIGENCE, the CREATOR, GOD ALMIGHTY. 

When our spiritual eyes are open and the veil is lifted, we will begin to understand that with God as a SPIRITUAL PARTNER there is strength and wisdom to navigate this journey called life!

When our spiritual eyes are open and the veil is lifted, we will begin to see the difference between God’s truth and man’s truth. We will gain wisdom, knowledge and understanding that God has laws and principles that rule this universe we live in. Like electricity we don’t understand it but we best respect it.

These metaphysical energetic governing laws will bless and curse us based on our dominant, habitual thoughts, feelings, words and actions. 

Your age, gender, race, religion or ignorance will not excuse you from the laws. Your best protection is simply learning and respecting the laws. 

The metaphysical laws and principles simply operate from the Law of CAUSE and EFFECT aka KARMA. You REAP physically what you SOW mentally and emotionally! 

God is waiting on you to do the inner spiritual work to open your spiritual eyes to get in alignment with him as we will be judged by his laws that governs the earth.

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development Coach







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