GRATITUDE Therapy can RESTORE the Dry Places in Your Life!


#ThankfulThursday❤️ - Beloved, #GRATITUDE Therapy can RESTORE the Dry Places in Your Life! 

Proverbs 14:30 - “A tranquil HEART gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot 

We all succumb to having DRY PLACES in different areas of our lives but we don’t have to stay there! We usually get into dry places when we get out of alignment with God and nature. When we operate from negative destructive energy consciousness such as envy, fear, worry, unforgiveness etc we are moving away from God’s truth and wisdom and we experience that gap.

Sometimes our #MARRIAGE or #RELATIONSHIP is in a dry place!

Sometimes our #HEALTH is in a dry place!

Sometimes our #MONEY is in a dry place!

💕 We can turn our lives around by utilizing our God given senses, align with God and nature to bring love, peace, harmony, healing and restoration in our relationships, in our health and in our finances!

Put God on your daily “To Do List” and carve out 5 mins throughout the day to get in alignment with God!



Place your hands over your heart, close your eyes and be one with your Spiritual Partner, Almighty God!

#THINK on GOOD things in and about your life!

#FEEL on GOOD things in and about your life!

#SPEAK on GOOD things in and about your life!

#ACT as if GOOD things are in your life!


The unseen flourishing relationship.

The unseen flourishing business.

The unseen flourishing marriage.

The unseen flourishing money.

The unseen flourishing health.

The unseen flourishing projects.

You were given this power by your Father to restore your life with your MIND, your HEART and your SOUL so learn to understand and appreciate it!

God is waiting on YOU to practice his words and restore the dry places in your life! 

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 








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