Put On The New Woman!


#WinningWednesday #PutOnTheNewWoman 

Beloved, WINNING IS ON PURPOSE. We WIN in Life by putting on the NEW WOMAN or NEW MAN aka renewal of the corrupt MINDSET aka consciousness by applying daily SPIRITUAL PRACTICES for RENEWAL of the KNOWLEDGE of God within! 

Colossians 3:10 - And have put on the NEW SELF, which is being RENEWED in KNOWLEDGE after the image of its creator.

HOW DO WE PUT ON THE NEW WOMAN or MAN? Do not be deceived, life is a cause and effect process. This earth we live on has governing laws and principles to respect and adhere to. Our INNER life impacts our PHYSICAL life. What we SOW mentally & emotionally on a CONSCIOUSNESS level we then REAP accordingly in the physical realm.

We don’t understand electricity but we respect it. Same goes for God’s laws and principles of this earth. Ignorance is no excuse to it’s wrath however. 

Our MINDSET aka consciousness became corrupt during childhood and by family, environment, society, trauma etc.

The Creator has it where we must RENEW the corrupt MINDSET & BELIEFS aka consciousness to realize better in life! We are instructed repeatedly to renew in the spirit! This means INNER mindfulness work!

The old corrupt MINDSET must be RENEWED daily! 

The old corrupt EMOTIONS must be RENEWED daily! 

The old corrupt BELIEFS must be RENEWED daily! 

The old corrupt HABITS must be RENEWED daily! 

The old corrupt WORDS must be RENEWED daily! 

The old corrupt ACTIONS must be RENEWED daily! 


These are my PLEDGES to RENEW my MINDSET & put on a NEW WOMAN!

💫 I pledge to make time to BE STILL and connect with the presence of God within, where I will find comfort, peace and direction flowing from my SOUL. That is our personal time together.

💫 I pledge to take on my responsibility and PRACTICE THINKING on good things about my life, my children, my health, my spouse, my present and future etc.

💫 I pledge take on my responsibility to guard my THOUGHTS & HEART from negative low frequency emotions of anger, fear, hate, jealousy, sadness, worry, unworthiness etc and replace with high positive frequency emotions of hope, love, joy, peace etc 

God is waiting on you to RENEW the corrupt consciousness and put on the new woman!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development Coach








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