Marriage is Like Merging 2 Corporations Together!


Marriage is Like MERGING 2 Corporations with completely different vision, rules and regulations to align as one! 

🚨 Before a merger is complete, the details of each current guidelines and business practices should be discussed and agreed upon. What will be the NEW practice, rules and guidelines of the merger? Whose guidelines will be dismissed and whose guidelines will be adopted or will there be a balance? This is important as to establish ground rules for the NEW combined MISSION & VISION for the MERGER!

Most people IGNORE this base level critical agreement and fall into problems quick!

Building a successful RELATIONSHIP is like building a successful business. Successful relationships or mergers REQUIRES vision and mission MIXED with commitment, desire, love, faith, harmony, patience, respect, unity TOPPED with wisdom strategy, leadership, management and negotiation skills!! It’s PURPOSEFUL work!  

Most of the times relationships like a business will fail for LACK of vision, unity and leadership management skills!

The ENEMY comes to rob, steal and destroy loving relationships! You must be equipped!

Its a MERGER that requires 2 whole individuals agreeing to build a dream together. First stop 🛑 relying on someone else to complete you. It’s unfair and dangerous to depend on another person to complete you and make you happy! That’s an inside job.

God made you whole, perfect and complete. 

💫 This joint merger will require INNER WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING from both parties as they are the CEO’s of this joint merger.

💫 It takes dedication and growth to have planning, meetings to discuss budget, direction, goals, hurts, progress and failures in the relationship!

💫 It takes vision and mission for the direction of the relationship for short term and long term goals (love, money, family, traveling etc) of the relationship!

 💫 It takes inner wisdom and understanding to identify when the relationship is under attack and be able to pray and speak life during the difficult times!

💫 It takes compassion, growth, love, kindness and patience to ease the frustration and apologize and forgive each other when you are wrong!

💫 It takes inner wisdom to incorporate daily prayer and spiritual practices to maintain good, positive energy in the home!

💫 It takes solid family, friends and yourself to give you pep talks to get you back on track when you hit road blocks and feel like giving up! 

FYI, Be ok if your relationship aka merger only last for 5 years, 10 years etc. If consistent disrespect and or violence is present be ok with leaving the relationship! 

Take into account and discuss the IMPACT of ending and distribution of the merger if any such as children, finance, assets, property etc. 

Don’t let society’s pressure keep you in an unhealthy relationship or unloving relationship!

Heal, learn and grow from past mistakes and don’t be afraid to enter another relationship! 

Know that there is WORK to be done for a  HEALTHY, SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIP!

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development Coach

Inner Vibez Consulting 

Namaste 🙏🏽


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