Don’t be a Prisoner to Your MIND!

#MotivationMonday - Don’t Let Your #MIND Hold You a PRISONER to LACK!  Beloved, your “MIND” can keep you in BONDAGE emotionally, mentally, financially, physically and spiritually!  

Your MIND can keep you in LACK of:


Romans 7:23 - but I see another LAW at work in me, waging war against the law of my MIND and making me a PRISONER of the law at work WITHIN me.  

πŸ“ The LAW OF MIND has no respect for age, gender or religion. The MIND is at work 24x 7. Without your awareness or permission, the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND is busy programming your life based on your childhood experiences, life experiences and traumas (positive & negative).

You have been saying that it’s others that SABOTAGING or BLOCKING you but understand that it’s YOUR CORRUPT MIND!

😳 The job for CHANGE is an INSIDE job and requires daily MINDFULNESS & SPIRITUAL practices! This will require daily commitment, faith and perseverance!

You are the FARMER of your MIND

🌱You must PLANT new SEEDS aka THOUGHTS into the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND to reap a new crop! 


😎 PRACTICE mindfulness & spiritual techniques daily to REPROGRAM the MIND with POSITIVE, EMPOWERING, SUCCESS THOUGHTS!

🌟 Only YOU can #THINK GOOD THOUGHTS for your life!

🌟 Only YOU can #FEEL GOOD THOUGHTS for your life!

🌟 Only YOU can #IMAGINE GOOD THOUGHTS for your life!

🌟 Only YOU can #BELIEVE GOOD THOUGHTS for your life!

πŸ’œ God is waiting on YOU to do the spiritual practices to RENEW your MIND & ELEVATE your Life!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 










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