Practice Loving God With Your Heart, Soul & Mind!


#MotivationMonday - Beloved, Put God On Your Daily To Do List! Your  life could FLOW so much easier if you practiced Loving God with Your #HEART #SOUL & #MIND daily!

Matthew 22:37 -38: 37 Jesus said unto him, 

Thou shalt  love the Lord thy God with all thy HEART, and with all thy SOUL and with all thy MIND. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 

We are instructed by Jesus that the very 1st and greatest commandment is the relationship between God, our mind and our heart. 

So why don’t we put more emphasis on this spiritual teaching by Jesus. Because here in the western world, on purpose, we are not taught about the importance and significance of the Mind, Body & Spirit connection as it aligns with eastern teachings. If fact we are told to stay far away from it because of the significant benefits, blessings and inner wisdom that this practice brings. 

Only YOU can choose to walk with God’s TRUTH or walk with Man’s TRUTH. As for me I, chose to walk with God’s TRUTH! 

Loving GOD with your #HEART aka GUARD Your HEART: Guard your emotions from consistent negative destructive energy emotions such as fear, hate, jealousy, lack, sadness, unforgiveness, unworthy, worry etc 

💫 PRACTICE FEELING forgiveness, gratitude, harmony, hopeful, joy, love, peace, etc.

Loving GOD with your #MIND aka GUARD Your THOUGHTS: Guard your conscious and subconscious THINKING from consistent negative destructive energy emotions such as fear, hate, jealousy, lack, sadness, unforgiveness, unworthy, worry etc 

💫 PRACTICE THINKING forgiveness, gratitude, harmony, hopeful, joy, love, peace, etc.

Loving GOD with your #SOUL aka build and maintain a personal relationship with your Creator, God Almighty, Spiritual Partner, Divine Intelligence that lives within you. 

💫 PRACTICE BEING a FRUIT of the Spirit. KnowWalk, Talk & Act. Be STILL and getting into alignment with the Spirit of God knowing and understanding that you are part of divine creation. You are here for a purpose!!

In time you will REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE

In time you will become an EXAMPLE of the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT which is forgiveness, gratitude, harmony, hope, joy, love, peace, etc.

In time you will receive and digest INNER wisdom, knowledge & understanding of how your THOUGHTS, BELIEFS, FEELINGS & WORDS affect your life!

♥️ God is waiting on YOU Beloved!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 








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