#ThoughtfulThursday - God is waiting on YOU to PRACTICE new #THOUGHTS, #new EMOTIONS & new #WORDS for a new LIFE! 

📖 John 13:17 - If you know these things, you are BLESSED “if” you PRACTICE them.  

The ball 🏀 is always back in our court to perform and play the game of life!

🤔 THE PROBLEM IS WE DONT LIKE DOING WORK so we prefer to put it on God to do the work for us! 

Somewhere along the lines generations ago, 2 sets of DOCTRINES were sent out about God & Religion by the leaders of society which would govern for generations to come!

📝 MAJORITY of people received a MEMO that says you DONT need to be accountable for what you think, feel, speak or do in your life because you are covered and will not be judged for these things until judgment day.

📝 MINORITY of people received a MEMO that says you DO need to be accountable for what you think, feel, speak or do in your life because you are judged accordingly all day every day by God’s governing laws & principles.

Based on those instructions man will walk 2 different paths and our results and life will reflect accordingly.

💕 God’s governing laws & principles. God created #POSITIVE and #NEGATIVE #energy to govern his Kingdom on earth. 

📖 Isaiah 45:7 reads, “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”

We are #ENERGY. For there to be #BALANCE in life both positive & negative energy must exist. The KEY 🔑 is learning how to be in BALANCE & HARMONY with these energy.

GOD LOVES US & WANTS TO PROTECT US but he gave us DOMINION to rule so we have to PLAY our ROLE!!!

God also sent messengers such as Jesus to TEACH us how to abide by these laws but we ignore the teachings. 

📝 Man’s Wisdom & Truth. Man’s spin of God’s truth. We are seeing in real time that RELIGION is based SOLELY on what society at large has implemented to CONTROL & LIMIT us in different ways by fear and guilt. Our BELIEFS about religion are formed as babies depending on culture and practices in the home. Each religion claiming to be the only truth!

At anytime, man can choose to change their mind about how and what they taught us. What happens to our lives in the meantime? Do you have time in your life to change course when you have 💯 believed that man’s religion was the best route for you? This brings more fear.

📝 God’s Wisdom & Truth. 💗 

📖 Matthew 22:37 - Love God with all your HEART, SOUL & MIND. 38)This is the 1st & great commandment. 39) Love Your Neighbor as Yourself is the 2nd. 40) On these two commandments hang all the laws and the prophets.


God’s #WISDOM and #TRUTH teaches us to #RESPECT his #NATURAL laws and principles such as MOTHER NATURE, ENERGY, VIBRATION & FREQUENCY among others in order to live an ABUNDANT, BALANCED and FULFILLED life.

😃 Operating from HIGH CONSTRUCTIVE ENERGY VIBRATIONS such as love, peace, harmony, joy, forgiveness etc will BALANCE & BLESS your LIFE. 

😢 Operating from LOW DESTRUCTIVE ENERGY VIBRATIONS such as envy, fear, hate, jealousy, sadness, worry unforgiveness etc will UNBALANCE & CURSE your LIFE. 

It’s not PERSONAL it’s LAW!


🌟 If you are PRACTICING LOVING GOD with your THOUGHTS you are THINKING on GOOD things about your life, family, communities and the world aka HIGH VIBEZ & ENERGY aka BALANCE!

🌟 If you are PRACTICING LOVING GOD with your EMOTIONS you are FEELING GOOD things about your life, family, communities and the world aka HIGH VIBEZ & ENERGY aka BALANCE!

🌟 If you are PRACTICING LOVING GOD with your WORDS & SOUL you are SPEAKING & BEING a REPRESENTATION of GOOD things about your life, family, communities and the world aka HIGH VIBEZ & ENERGY aka BALANCE!

God is waiting on you boo to PRACTICE loving him with your Heart, Soul & Mind all day every day!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 








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