#TransformationTuesday - Sis, learn to #SOW seeds of #SUCCESS not seeds of #SORROW! What SEEDS are you SOWING? You can #TRANSFORM your life by SOWING seeds that will SERVE you vs seeds that SABOTAGE you!

Galatians 6:7 - Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man SOWS this he will also REAP. 

πŸ“ Our Father created this magnificent metaphysical energetic world we live in. We may not understand the governing laws and principles but we should know that these laws are at work 24x7 and we are either using or misusing them. He sent messengers to show us how to respect and abide by his laws for our own good but we ignore the teachings.

Our #THOUGHTS are #SEEDS that we #SOW in the subconscious #MIND. Those seeds are then watered and fertilized with consistent negativity, doubt, fear and worry and they will eventually take root and bear like fruits πŸ‰πŸŽπŸŒ πŸ‹ 🍊 πŸ§…πŸ«‘accordingly! 

You want SWEET, DELICIOUS fruits but you keep getting bitter or sour fruits? Why???? πŸ€” You have to PLANT the type of seeds to match the fruits you want!

πŸ’• There is NO MAGIC PILL πŸ’Š for transformation. Mother Nature’s laws must be adhered to. You are the FARMER of your life so ONLY YOU can plant a new CROP and begin to sow SEEDS of abundance, confidence, health, greatness, love, peace, success etc into your life! 

⭐️ RENEW YOUR MIND with new success seeds daily!

⭐️ RENEW YOUR HEART with new success seeds daily!

⭐️ RENEW YOUR WORDS with new success seeds daily!

Water πŸ’¦ and fertilize with love, gratitude, kindness, patience and persistence.

God is waiting on you to PLANT NEW SEEDS! πŸ’— 

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 








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