Spiritual Self Development Produces The FRUITS!


#MotivationMonday - Beloved, Spiritual Self Development is what produces the FRUITS of the SPIRIT! Which FRUITS reflect your CHARACTER? What characteristics do you need to work on?

God is waiting on YOU to PARTICIPATE in your life! God has provided us with the template of the CHARACTER that he wishes us to take on. The ball 🏀 is in our court so NOW it’s up to us to do the daily inner self development to put off the former self and put on the NEW man or woman!

Galatians 5:22 - But the fruit of the Spirit is 1) love, 2) joy, 3) peace, 4) patience, 5) kindness, 6) goodness, 7) faithfulness, 8) gentleness and 9) self-control

📝 The FRUITS identify inner CHARACTER and WISDOM that must be developed. You must PLANT the seeds 🌱 of whatever character you wish to REAP and take on. 

Go down the list and EVALUATE yourself. Is your character an example of any of these fruits? If yes, which ones?

Which character of fruit do you need to develop? You must ACT and do the required work to DEVELOP it. 

🛑 Do not be deceived. God is not a genie. We are not dealing with MAGIC where we just cry out for what we want while disobeying and ignoring the instructions and work that God told us to do. We are dealing with God’s natural governing laws and principles that must be respected and adhered to. 

FAITH without ACTION is dead! RENEW the mindset!

💫 Pray for God’s WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING and do the physical work of PLANTING new seeds to develop a new character to represent God!

When you spend time daily to SOW empowering, positive thoughts, feelings and words in your MIND, they slowly take ROOT in your HEART & SUBCONSCIOUS MIND and change the corrupt thoughts and beliefs you adopted. You will slowly begin to REAP the fruits you planted and take on the character of the NEW MAN or WOMAN!

God is waiting on you boo! 

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 








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